I am curious and have not seen these questions addressed yet (although i may have missed them):
First, on average, during the course of one year, how often do you run your outdoor layout? I am not expecting precise logs, just a rough idea, perhaps expressed in terms such as once a day, once a week, once a month, weekly during summers only, less than 3 times a year, or whatever seems the best way of explaining your situation.
Second, not expecting precise logs or time tables, could you give me a rough idea of how long you run your trains during the average session? One hour, four hours, until the visitors go home, until i get some good photos, until the beer gives out?
My third and last question, again not expecting precise logs, and allowing for a great deal of variation, is to ask you about how many people it takes to run trains on your layout and, if more than one person is required, with whom you run it? Alone, with my spouse, with children or grandchildren, with the neighbor kids, i run it all by myself for the entertainment of anyone who wants to see it, my butler operates the machinery while i sip brandy on the deck, one train per operator and me and my buddies run as many trains as possible when my buddies come over, it takes a village?
I expect quite a bit of variation in the responses.
Please feel free to answer in your own words, not selecting from the sample responses i listed as a starter-set. Fell free also to make more than one answer to any of the questions.
Any and all replies will be gratefully received for my education.