Large Scale Central

How much to add freight shed storage??

Evidently I’v run out of freight shed storage memory…how much is it to add more?


Send Bob a PM and ask, then post it here as I’m getting close.

I looked in settings and noticed that the Bronze subscription gives you 500MB of space:

One Year of Bronze Level - Help support the site, and get 500MB of storage for your trouble.

But Bob would know best of course :slight_smile:

I always get a bit confused as a “one time fee”, sounding like one time… but it’s clear this is a year.

I wish Bob would re-word it to Bronze Plan ($25 per year)


Hmmm so color me curious, but can those of you who have gone silver or gold tell me; how do the good thoughts and extra good feelings, feel?

I’d like an address to send a check …

feels good to help support the forum… money well spent

I think the one time fee confused me…I certainly don’t mind supporting the forum that has supported me for so long.


Now you got me curious John, so I went and checked, I am gold level… I gave quite a bit to MLS, on special “needs” that unfortunately seems to have been a bit wasted…

Here, I see the effort to maintain the site and keep it in good shape.
