Large Scale Central

How layouts change over the yr's

Just found some old video of our layout taken yr’s ago. Boy what a change.
This was asked by some of the old train guys we met to find some old photo of when we did a lot of train runs and BBQ meet in the last 10 yr’s.

Old Photo…View as sideshow


2006 &7





Over the yr’s guess it show between the Ho and Garden R.R. we have done in the last 10 yr’s, or more is 122 videos… wow… Time sure flys when one get in the trains…

We have read of people giving up there R.R. and very sad over the yr’s. But life does change now and then.
This is to all of our friends we have met and run trains with. Noel & Jane

I always enjoy seeing your GRR, Noel :slight_smile:

I want plants!!! Nice!

Mark V said:
I want plants!!! Nice!

Do what we did…You’ll have more than you want… lol. Ours back 40 yrs ago or so… this was a dried up back feild… We added water and thru out some bird seeds, then when the bird did there poopy thing, up started more weeds and birds dropped seeds, up started trees. We just started trimming them. Oh… also, a little help from Wally World to…lol… Now hard to find any sun. Guess have to cut back on the bird seeds and water. Getting to be work now. Anyway thanks for the comments. Alway watching to see what Ralph B. is going to add to his layout. I still like the the R.R. colors for the building and pass cars you have. I found another video that I see I ran an amber signal. I was supposed to do yard speed in Wilsonville and next town, had to go in to Emerg. brakes in Butthead head cove. Ir had a Red Light due to the Swing bridge was going to open. Must of been petting the Kat.
