I got both speakers from a Bose Wave radio. The Ohms or Watts are not marked on the back of the speakers… only part numbers. How can I determine what the Ohms are to see if I can hook it up to a sound card?
I’m no electronics guru. But the speakers are likely 4 ohm or 8 ohm. Using a lower ohm rated speaker can cause amplifier damage.
IE, you don’t want to use a 2 ohm speaker if they call for an 8 ohm.
Using a higher ohm rated speaker will reduce volume, but not cause damage.
Unfortunately, the Ohm rating of speakers is an impedance value which means you can not use the garden variety ohmmeter to measure it. If it has part numbers on it, Google them and see what turns up.
Unlikely they are lower than 4 ohms… if you have a good ohmmeter that can measure resistance on scale that could show the difference between 4 and 8 ohms you might measure it. If the speaker is significantly below 8 ohms it’s most likely it is 4 ohm. 8 ohm speakers can measure down to about 6 ohm.
Update, I did some googling, seems they might be 6 ohm speakers, Bose won’t sell replacements, you have to send it in for repairs, so no specs.
I also understood that the 2 speakers were 2" and different, one has a larger magnet and surround.
Hope this helps a bit.