Large Scale Central

How can I get more random results with TrainOps?

After building up a roster of available cars and some tweaking of the industries I’ve got TrainOps working pretty well now. I have 4 industries, a yard at either “end” and two trains configured; one Eastbound and one Westbound. Both trains service all 4 industries.

With the latest version TO is running well and always builds a train that is near or exceeds my loco capacity. That’s all good; but I do notice the same cars seem to move between the same two points quite often. I also have a few new cars that never get assigned to a train.

So all you TO users - what are you doing to get more random results?

For me, I have more industries than I have cars for, so the cars are always moving all over the place… Ymmv

I typically run 2 trains a day as well, but I also have two other trains that I can run (but seldom do). This allows me to use up the rest of the cars.

I don’t have a place for more industries at the moment but I can try the extra trains.

My daughter, using any kind of a computer programme, is 100% guaranteed to give you random results. The way that SHE uses it, you’d be hard-pressed to determine which way up a ball falls.


Heres a thought…create an industry or several industries that aren’t actually modeled but are served by a team track or similar idea…you wont actually switch the industry but still drop off and pick up cars at a specific location…

Thanks Bart. At this point, none of my industries are “actually modeled”. I have the sidings, but no buildings. In one case, the tail of my wye serves as an industry.

One existing siding is long enough that I could add another industry on it. Would require moving cars spotted for that industry to get to the next one down the track - which actually sounds good - more to do. I can also extend another siding and do the same.

Good idea - Thanks!

I have added another town to TrainOps - even though it doesn’t exist on my layout. That way, I get some through traffic as well as more random movement.

Thanks Bruce -

Not sure I understand that. Is that town a stop on your route; or served by a non existent train? I assume it has industries, other wise it wouldn’t affect cars.

I have lots of places defined on the layout that have no industries.

Hehe…I’m not sure I understand myself. :wink:

Right now, my layout runs from Green Springs to Lexington.

I added a town PAST Lexington. It only exists in my mind, but I can add industries in my mind as well as in TrainOps.

Now, I can get cars that actually go from Green Springs to Lexington during an ops session - as well as the other cars that get switched along the way.

Bruce Chandler said:

Hehe…I’m not sure I understand myself. :wink:

Right now, my layout runs from Green Springs to Lexington.

I added a town PAST Lexington. It only exists in my mind, but I can add industries in my mind as well as in TrainOps.

Now, I can get cars that actually go from Green Springs to Lexington during an ops session - as well as the other cars that get switched along the way.

Ya know, I had been thinking along those same lines myself. creating a town (or destination) beyond the Interchange at Burns Jct, say Durango, just to get more traffic into and out of the Interchange. I guess it should work, TrainOps doesn’t know it not really there. I wasn’t too sure how confusing it would be. I will discuss that with you on Wed…:wink:

I’m starting to get it.

Does PAST Lexington have industries with demands? It must otherwise no cars would stage at Lexington on their way to PAST.

I assume that no trains are defined to run between Lexington and PAST Lexington 'cause ya can’t get there from here.

So, if that’s the case, a car may move from Green Springs to Lexington destined for PAST, but since it never gets picked up by a train headed to PAST it eventually goes back the other way; and since no trains ever run to PAST there is always unfilled industry demand generating traffic from Green Springs to Lexington.

Brilliant! It must have been an accident :slight_smile:

Well, the actual car doesn’t get to PAST, but when I increment the day, TrainOps will THINK it went to PAST; there is demand in PAST.

Now, when I run a train from Lexington to Green Springs, TrainOps will think I’m running from PAST to Green Springs.

Physically I’ll assemble the train in Lexington, but I’ll use the cars that were supposed to come on in PAST.

Definitely it was an accident. :wink:

Another question Bruce -

On your defined trains, is PAST included; or does the train begin or end at Lexington?

I include PAST on the train…and it switches the industry there.

You only need one industry, because it can do anything and everything!

It really isn’t any different from what you already have on your layout - except that it is virtual. You can modify the demand/supply there to control what goes on the train.

"Now, when I run a train from Lexington to Green Springs, TrainOps will think I’m running from PAST to Green Springs.

Physically I’ll assemble the train in Lexington, but I’ll use the cars that were supposed to come on in PAST."

And so was created the yard at “Fiddle”

Bruce is a mad genius…