Large Scale Central

Horse Whim

A couple months ago, I came across this picture showing a very small mining claim, with a very interesting horse-powered hoist.

Lots of interesting details. The cable from the hoist goes underneath a little ‘bridge’ so the horse can walk around in circles. Then the cable goes through a pulley, up to the top of the hoist, and then down into the mine.

A bit more digging and I found out that these kinds of hoists are called a “horse whim”. There are pictures of other ones in use, and a bunch of pictures of one at a museum. Plus a period drawing, probably from a catalog.


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That gave me enough details to get to work. A bunch of CAD time and four prototypes later, and I have a reasonable first iteration with the proportions of the parts more or less correct. This one is 2x size, they are actually pretty small. I need to add a few more things like the cross-rods, and a bunch of bolt heads, but its getting there.


That is sooo cool! Would love to model it if you care to share the files!

Makes me wonder if there were any made based on this principal.

Yea, I’ll definitely have the files available once I’m happy with the end result.

Hi Bob,
I once ran across one of these out in the wild. This is at the High Tide mine in nearby Gunnison County, CO:

And a closeup:



Very interesting picture Matt. That photo raised my history research antennas! Vulcan Iron Works Denver???

I think the answer to this is on Page 237 of the scanned book however this is just some quick morning coffee research.

Great topic and model, Bob. Whims were used a lot on the Comstock in the early days.

This listing of Colorado mines mentions which ones used a whim.


Currently working on v0.2, which has the gear directly attached to the drum, and the bearing part of the arched gear support.


Great topic for modeling.
The American Hoist and Derrick Company catalog #106 shows 4 versions available.

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There’s another historical catalog I didnt know existed but have to have. Just downloaded it in PDF. Nice reference.

And then there are these:

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This one is good for coal mine equipment.

Nice collection guys, I love the old tech manuals and reprints.
Here are a few originals I have picked up. My favorite by far is the “Moores Universal Assistant and Complete Mechanic” published in 1879. It covers every science and industry known at the time.
Most of the small books on the right were my Grandfathers books on Powder and blasting in mining, as he fed the family through the Great Depression by Hard Rock Mining.

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Actually, the more typical whim would be very easy to model and I’ve never seen one on any railroad of any scale.

Good grief I can only imagine how small the shaft would have been. Triggering my claustrophobia just thinking about going up or down it :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

The open air museum (Sovereign Hill) depicted in the Video is definitely worth a trip. It currently runs most of the town’s equipment by steam power, but reportedly they’re going to mothball the steam equipment as it costs them about $100K a year in wood.

If I wasn’t concerned about the dogs running amuck on the railroad and destroying things, I would have a traditional Whim out by my next open house. But it wouldn’t last the day with the dogs. :confounded:

Very cool Bob. And a unique thing to model.