Large Scale Central

Hooters Wing Sauce Tank Car

While my wife was away, the Aristocraft undecorated tank car came. So, of course, with nothing else to do, I set my plan in motion. I painted it, and set to the decalling. The Hooters logo I had bought a while back with this hare brained scheme in mind. The ends except for the O gauge letters were dry transfers,as were the dimensional data. All the small letters were from whatever O gauge I had that I could steal from. The rest of the lettering: “Another Shipment of Wings Sauce” and the 3 domes, and the car numbers were done on white decal paper on the laser printer.
It’s done, and will be going on eBay later unless someone ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE IT!
Take a look at the pictures here:

Oh yeah, I found an old picture of me from way-back-when, and have a new avatar. Cute, ain’t I?

I spected to see some Hooters Girls painted on the sides…:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

You made it to ebay it?

Nice but dont let Rooster see it.

Too late…besides I like chickens not owls

Yes to the eBay question. I am actually hoping to make money on it. If it doesn’t sell, I was going to take it to ECLSTS, enter it in the contest with a “For Sale” sign on it. Is that legal?

I’m going to be rich! Rich, you hear me? Bwhahahaha

Lou Luczu said:
Yes to the eBay question. I am actually hoping to make money on it. If it doesn't sell, I was going to take it to ECLSTS, enter it in the contest with a "For Sale" sign on it. Is that legal?
Yep...Hollywood did it last year

If you had a picture of a hooter on it I would have paid BIG MONEY for it.

David Russell said:
Lou Luczu said:
Yes to the eBay question. I am actually hoping to make money on it. If it doesn't sell, I was going to take it to ECLSTS, enter it in the contest with a "For Sale" sign on it. Is that legal?
Yep...Hollywood did it last year
I see we did not get anything for Hollywood. Think we can raffle him off? :D

David Kapp said:
If you had a picture of a hooter on it I would have paid BIG MONEY for it. David

Hey, Chief, it’s got three (3) hooters on it. Count 'em.


Shouldn’t the car number be HTRX 362436?

Shouldt it be a two dome car???

Victor Smith said:
Shouldt it be a two dome car???????
Ya......... Next one ! Sean