Large Scale Central

Homemade Metal Mother Hubbard Camelback Bash

As mentioned in the “What the Fresh Hell did I buy” post. If it looked like I could convert it to a G drive block I would start a building log. Well, see the last Pic here for a look at the block test fitted. I’ll repost the other pics first. One thing, it’s not brass but looks to be made of metal cans painted brass or gold. I will need to make a new pilot, cab controls, backhead, and a couple other things to detail it out. The pics

Test fit, looks good :+1:


I’m amazed that you got such a close match on a motor block, Vic. This is gonna be really cool.

Just a little inspiration Vic.

Cliff better than that, I was able to reuse the front mounting screw on the LGB block. I need to figure out some way to connect the back of the block next.

Rooster, thanks. This beastie is definitely modeled after an A4. I thought there was one survivor at one of the east coast train museums. I remember there was some talk about restoration to operation at some point in the past. Might not have been a Reading camelback though.

Progress. Spent the better part of two days spare time sorting out mounting a pilot. It and attaching a front coupler was PITA but it’s sorting out finally.



I wish you had undertaken this project before my recent MIK!

Looking forward to seeing this rolling and in paint!


Update: looks like I’m finished with all the surface added details. I used styrene to add enough details to hopefully fool the eye once painted. Next a coat of primer then paint.

Looking stylish there Vic

Paint applied and lettered. It’s better than I expected. The Tamiya acrylic gloss black is a perfect basecoat as it thick with excellent coverage when brush applied. I still have to weather it and matte coat it then add figures. I already have a suitability massacred figure to wedge into the cab.


Beautiful! Nice work…

Bravo, Vic! She looks great! And even runs??


Thanks Cliff, I haven’t put it around the layout yet. It should be OK, bigger cars work. I’ll find out some time this week.

What a magnificent transformation! Bravo, Sir!
