Large Scale Central

Home made railclamps

The things you find when you’re looking for something else…

I was looking through old boxes of junk, and came across these ‘blanks’ for brass rail clamps. I used to work for a company that had a metal fabrication shop and one of the machinists helped me make these over a few lunch breaks, I made up about half and totally forgot the rest. This maybe 15 years ago?

Perfect time to finish them 'cause the others are stored in a special box somewhere that I haven’t unearthed, or even seen for 10 + years…

Rough count of 10 per stick for a total of 60 ish. Mostly drilled already.

I redrilled, tapped and test fitted 3mm cap screws to most of them, till I finally snapped the tap. Totally my fault - blinked at the wrong moment and it bottomed out on the shank.

I’ll head into town Saturday to get a new one. Hopefully more progress over the weekend.



Lucky find! Railclamps made all the difference for the track-powered Triple O!


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Thanks Eric, very glad to come across them again. Didn’t even remember I had them.

Cold, wet & windy Saturday equals job done.


I know that feeling Neil, 3 weeks ago found a bag of split jaw clamps, totally hidden now that I need them!!