Large Scale Central


Something I’ve wanted to do for years finally got done…The LVM ground throw. The seed for the idea came from Pete of “DAISY BEACH” who used barrel bolt latches to create his. He drilled through the barrel and then inserted the rod. I always found drilling a long way through a rod very hard…seems the hole was never straight. Soooooo… 2 sections of code 250 rail soldered to two straps to mount to the ties. The rail is notched to accept the hand rod that moves the barrel. And the end of the rod is drilled a short way to accept the the 2-56 threaded rod (Blue loctite after final setting of nuts). The nuts are adjusted to control the amount of throw applied to the connecting wire to the switch. The pictures probably do a better job than my explanation. Note the two directions for the hand rod. Down on the left when the RR is unattended so it’s not going to break if it gets stepped on and up to the right for operation…easy on the fingers. This is also a 32mm gauge Y stub switch…something I’ve had long in the planning stage. The idea has been to build either a 16mm English style RR or a 7/8ths industrial RR. Lots of abandoned efforts in 7/8ths as I’ve never come up with an engine I like using 45mm gauge…more hope in 32mm I think :slight_smile:

looks good and sturdy, Larry…

Well, that’s a neat design. I like the nuts to adjust the throw. Hmm…

Stub Switches, also nice.

Nice work.
I like how you are using the nuts to snug up the rails as opposed using a kink or s to put tension.

nice tip Larry, I like the design

Thats a nifty design, I like the threaded rod deal, too.

Wow, nice job. I’m going to study the pics so that I can make one.

Thanks guys. It’s a variation on another design I saw out there. My contribution is using rail sections to make it :slight_smile:

I like your idea. Looks like it will be bullet proof and should hold up well outdoors. The Daisy Beach RR has always been a good source for inspiration. Its a shame Pete tore it all up.
I also like the switches and the wood ties. I keep thinking about relaying my track with all wood ties.

V clever. Fine craftsmanship too.