Large Scale Central

Hitler Hates

A young friend of mine is a HUGE Transformer fan, he sent me this link:

caution: sub-titled cursing-Beware!

So while I was at it, I did some looking around to find that folks apparently use this clip from a Nazi movie to vent their rants. the Michael Jackson one dying before Hitlers Bday Party was pretty hilarious…so you’re asking, Cale-dude what does this have to do with trains? Well, I stumbled over this too:

Hitler Hates DCC Trains:

Again, a Strong word of caution in regards to language!

Surely that wouldn’t be referring to a certain character we all love to…???

I cannot wait for responses from the rose coloured glasses afficiandos. Could explain recent seemingly obscure decisions made in production choices. The paradox is that while most see decisions made as flawed, camp followers still adhere to every word and idolise the leader. Maybe a few ‘cohones’ down the food chain, may lead to a new course heading.

Hehe! That second link was hilarious! And I guess…timely. :wink:

I’m not knowledgeable of all the names in the DCC one, (or the transformers) but I am amused. Greatly.

Somebody sure knows exactly what goes on behind the scenes in the DCC business. :wink:

ROTFL!!! That was hilarious!

TonyWalsham said:
Surely that wouldn't be referring to a certain character we all love to...................???????
It does seem like Herr Hitler was a bit of an old curmudgeon....

That was pretty funny–and I’ve never been able to make head or tail of the arguments around here

I just converted to DCC, by the way, and am really liking it a lot.

Hitlers bike sketch. Some swearing btw.

mike omalley said:
That was pretty funny--and I've never been able to make head or tail of the arguments around here

I just converted to DCC, by the way, and am really liking it a lot.

The guy down the road just converted to Seventh Day Adventism. Is that the same kind of thing?


‘DCC - THE only reason you’ll ever need to take up live-steam.’

As a DCC kind of guy I must say: I haven’t laughed that hard in quite some time. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are full of surprises.
That was the funniest bit I’ve seen in a long time.

Hilter hates the new Trek as well

What movie is that clip from, anyway?

Ralph Berg said:
Cale, You are full of surprises. That was the funniest bit I've seen in a long time. Ralph
Ralph, It was not me, I just found it posted as mentioned in my initial post....I've not the time to concoct stuff like that, chasing kids and all!
Ray Dunakin said:
What movie is that clip from, anyway?
Ray, good question, I'm curious as well....seems whatever film it's from, it's gotten tons of play on Youtube!


The movie is called “Downfall”. It was a German film produced a few years back. It was actually pretty good.

Who is producing this?
They must have known a little about DCC and such.

Hitler hates Baked Beans

and he really hates alls these darn parodies

C. Nelson said:
Ralph Berg said:
Cale, You are full of surprises. That was the funniest bit I've seen in a long time. Ralph
Ralph, It was not me, I just found it posted as mentioned in my initial post....


I know you didn’t produce it…but you did post it.