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Hile 2018 Challenge: We Didn't Start the Fire Edition

Neat, but I’m not sure what you are going to use to seal the burned wood.

Those lousy arsonists. That was a good looking building you had there. What will you use to preserve the burn?

Last year I rebuilt one of my original buildings that was rotting from the ground up. I cut off the rear addition, loading dock and over 2" of foundation. There were a few bits that were not to beat up so I cobbled them together to make a open faced freight depot. Here is a photo of the inspectors checking out the burned out building. It was never determined if it was arson or something in one of the stored boxes ignited. It has been outdoors sine then and the weather is taking its toll but it should be good for a few more seasons.

I live in an area where the climate is generally mild and no rain for the foreseeable future, so for the next few days, I will let nature take its course while we figure this out …

Gregory Hile said:

I live in an area where the climate is generally mild and no rain for the foreseeable future, so for the next few days, I will let nature take its course while we figure this out …

Stage an itinerant salvage crew dismantling the remains; 2 wagons with singed to charred planks being loaded on 1 and 2 being sold to the 'bo’s in shanty town…(

I like that!

Gregory Hile said:

Still not sure what happened. It was eerily quiet, and suddenly I noticed all the horses were mysteriously gone. All that could be heard was the distant sound … of a rooster.

And then, it happened. Here’s some quick pics. Film at 11 (tomorrow, that is …)

Fake News !

What kind of film since were,we are ,we’re playing "Prototypically Correct "

Rooster takes “Horseshirt” for $200 Greg

Edit for proper spelling … not sure which one though …Aaron or Torry …I have a twee story house dough

A slight technical glitch with the video, unless you want to download a 1.6 gigabyte video. And there is also a shocking, yes, shocking twist to be revealed, as well. Stay tuned …

Okay, here’s the video. It’s my first time using iMovie and I’ll need to play with it some more …

Wow. Where’s the Fire Dept…

Was that the cameraman fainting at the end?! I’m not sure what to say Greg. Impressive build and the charred remains are just as impressive! Looks very realistic. I keep thinking you somehow built 2 structures so you can have before and after.


Thanks for the kind words everyone. I have a color version, as well, if anyone’s interested, but I thought the black and white “Silent Movie” filter in iMovie might be cool.

I actually thought about building two structures, but, no, this is just one. The cameraman didn’t faint but thought it was a good idea to get his iPad out of there. I did take precautions. I had a garden hose and a watering pail ready to go and I propped up my iPad and it fell over at the end. Not sure what happened.

And now for the shocking twist. Check out these photos. How many of you realized there were some additional faces in this photo I posted early on?

And now, this one.

We are not alone …

Great video. Good to know that at least you have some video evidence to help the investigation.

Madness! Madness I say!!!

Great balls of fire!

Well I vowed that my vote would go to the first contestant to.burn their build to the ground. I don’t know if I should cry or aplaud. I am with Jim I don’t know if my weathering skills will ever evolve to this level.

Damn dude. It’s more impressive after you burnt it.

Bloody unreal!

So after months of searching for examples of burned out structures to no avail, yesterday I took a look at the new issue of Garden Railways and there it was, from our own Todd Haskins!

Todd, your structure looks really cool. What, if anything, did you use post-fire to preserve it? I’m still trying to figure that out …

Gregory Hile said:

So after months of searching for examples of burned out structures to no avail, yesterday I took a look at the new issue of Garden Railways and there it was, from our own Todd Haskins!

Todd, your structure looks really cool. What, if anything, did you use post-fire to preserve it? I’m still trying to figure that out …

Thanks Gregory. Since mine was built using resourced junk cut from a building I was attempting to save I didn’t put much thought into preserving it. I figured the pieces were heading for the burn pile as it was and cobbling them together was nothing but a brief stay to their final destruction.

The charred building has been outside for almost a year now and it is mostly still standing. Charring wood does give it a bit of protection from the elements but it will fail someday. I once read an article in GR magazine where a guy used diluted white glue and burnt the edges of the wood to help preserve his buildings on his RR that were out in the damp weather of England. Perhaps you can try diluting and then spraying white glue onto the remains of your building? How about trying a spray adhesive? I don’t know if these would change colour over time but sealing the wood is what is needed.

Yours was/is a great build by the way.