Large Scale Central

Help with installing switch stands

I have some Sunset Valley Switch Stands


I know how to install them but I was wondering if anyone has some tips for how they do it.

Maybe I should rephraise the question.

I read somewhere someone using a springing action in the throwbar to allow some tightness in the switch. But, I cant seem to find where I saw that.

I guess I’m wondering if I should just use a straight piece of wire and hook it to the stand and the switch or should I use a “springing” action type wire.

I usually put a “V” in the wire (1/2" or less), that way you have some leeway if you need to adjust it.


Ah, thats what I was looking for. It also looks like you put a piece of wire to scure the loop so it stays in one place?


will that “V” in the linkage allow for passing through the switch from the back side if the switch is thrown the other way? just wondering incase one forgets to throw the switch back after comming off a sideing.

Later All…Gerry

Jake, That piece of wire is to keep it flat. With the Temille throws it has a tendency to lift up when the switch is thrown and get in the way.

Gerry, I’ve never tried that, intentionally anyway, but it’s a pretty stiff piece of wire, so it probably won’t. It’s mainly for adjustment purposes.


Go over to Sunset Valley’s website and click on the link for switches. At the extreme bottom of that page, there are two small photos of the springs that you make from paper clips. That’s what I use on my SV switch stands.

I use that method on a few switches too.


Safety Pins work good too.

Thanks Gary,

I hadn’t thought to look at the place where I got the things. The other picture Ken posted was the other way I had in mind.

I haven’t done anything yet its been too cold out side right now. But I’d like to get everything ready when its a warm day.