Haha Hollywood! Sorry, no running water… and Fred, I’d never try to keep up with The Bruce! (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif)This is a pretty crude build once you look closer than a couple feet. But Hollywood, just wait till the catwalks buddy! Hundreds of parts involved there, sheesh… I took an overall part count for the project yesterday, and it was over 2,000. So while plumbing seems attractive, I need to draw the line somewhere brutha. (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif)
This morning I cut some final parts for the water tank, and excapt for a piece of PVC pipe, here’s the pile for that.

Here’s the tank sub-assemblies painted. There’s a wooden stack that will come up from it, but I haven’t gotten that far in the assembly.

While this painting was going on, I glued the decking and trim onto the platforms.

The acrylic sheet posts turned out only fair; and I’m no painter. I like how the decking turned out though.

Overall, I’m fine with the platforms, and it’s time to pull the plug on that aspect.
I appreciate the conversation about the lighting, and David M, those are great shots, that’s what I’m going after. Thanks for that!
I’ve cut and positioned rectangular plastic tubes that will hold the LED tape for each module .

Some tubes will have tape only on the bottom side, some both top and bottom. Due to the roof design, sometimes the LED’s will be visible through a window. This will make diffusers important on at least some windows, to not see the LED’s directly.
BTW, my wife had a great idea for at least some of the windows: hang a photo of a mine (surface works) interior, and let that be visible through some windows. That would be really cool for a room with a number of windows, such as the boiler room (with a row of 5 windows). Now, where to get a color pic of a set of ~four old boilers such as was used in this period, all lined up? Probably not gonna happen, but it’s a neat idea. And it would necessitate removal of the diffuser material.
Anyway, I’ll start on the lighting stuff maybe next weekend. I’ll be on work travel all week, but will have my ears on!
Thanks guys,