Large Scale Central

HAGARS in Kansas City, Mo

The Heart of America Garden Railroad Show will be June 20th to June 22nd. This is the second year for the show and will have many improvements over the first year. Several national venders will be attending this year along with several clinics being held. No actual convention hotel this time, but a hotel that is close is the Hyatt Place which is about a block away from the center and has been newly remodeled.

Those of you in the Midwest please come and support this show if you can. Here is the link to the show web site.

Having attended the show last year, I hope this location continues to grow as a permanent venue. I think it is a good location with the remains of the Queen Mary on the left coast and the ECLSTS on the right coast. The changing of the dates is rough for me to personally get away from work, but hopefully it will prove to be a good date to get the crowds in. Dave and the guys in KC are working hard to put on a great show.