Large Scale Central

Guard rails on bridges and trestles

I’ve just had a successful experience installing guard rails on a bridge which has a “Garden Metals” plastic deck on it. The plastic deck, which represents deck ties and walkways (If you use the walkways…they are removeable), does not come equipped for guard rails. It’s too bad as that is the only thing missing.

I have seen Clem’s (Of Warrier Run) deck with a guard rail glued to it, but it always seems to come loose.

So; I decided to spike rail to the deck. Using a #59 numbered drill, I drilled holes every six ties, right next to the simulated tie plate and spikes on the inside of the track rails, then inserted Micro Engineering long spikes into the holes, leaving the head just above the ties to allow me to insert the guard rail under the heads.

Using Aluminium code 215 rail; I inserted it under the heads of the first spikes, then drilled another hole on the opposite side of the smaller rail to allow the insertion of the second spike. I did this along the whole length of the guard rails, extending about 8 inches past both ends of the bridge. I used the same spiking method on the ties of the regular tie strip off the bridge.

As soon as someone takes pictures of the bridge; I’ll have some kind soul post them here.

I see too many people put great care into building great models of bridges and trestles; only to leave off one or two finishing touches that make or break a model.

The first is the use of regular tie strip, on a great model, and the second, the neglect to add guard rails.
All sorts of excuses are used for these two faults, and yes, there are bridges and trestles without them. But, in the end they look much better with the guard rails and the proper bridge ties.

I happened to have code 215 rail handy, and I think it looks great with the code 332 running rails; but you could use code 250, or even the 332. Most pikes seem to use lighter rail or old used rail for guard rails.
The ends of the rails are bent inward to the centre of the track; and some are even bent at the centre point, down towards the ballast. Tie plates aren’t normally used under the guard rails.

If you model the RGS; you might note that they commonly layed the guard rails on the outside of the running rails.

Guard rails were meant to prevent drailed wheels from going off the tie area, and kept the rolling stok in line while on the bridge. This helped to prevent damage to the structure and saved rolling stock from falling off the bridge. They were not meant to rerail anything.

Guard rails might be of some great use on those high and long bridges that some Garden Railroaders seem to find so attractive. They might actually prevent stuff from falling off the bridges.

I hope that this may inspire others to take the time to put that finishing touch on their otherwise great structures…

Okay Fred! I won’t believe it until I see it. You’re not going to shame me into installing guard rails on my trestle until I see some proof you have them on yours! :wink:

Send me photos and I’ll post them here. :smiley:

OK Richard…the pictures should have been on our web page, but things happen.
I just finished installing them on the second bridge a half hour ago. Now I’m off to the bheer store…I earned a pint or three…!!!

I’ll try to get the boys to send me the pictures, if not this evening, then we’ll get some during the operation tomorrow.

I just programmed my locos, in preparation for the operation…another task finished.

Fred Mills said:
OK Richard......the pictures should have been on our web page, but things happen. I just finished installing them on the second bridge a half hour ago. Now I'm off to the bheer store....I earned a pint or three....!!!

I’ll try to get the boys to send me the pictures, if not this evening, then we’ll get some during the operation tomorrow.

I just programmed my locos, in preparation for the operation…another task finished.

Fr. Fred,

What’s to program on Battery R/C?

He programs his to automatically stop at the bheer cooler…:smiley:

Fred Mills said:
OK Richard…the pictures should have been on our web page, but things happen. I just finished installing them on the second bridge a half hour ago. Now I’m off to the bheer store…I earned a pint or three…!!! I’ll try to get the boys to send me the pictures, if not this evening, then we’ll get some during the operation tomorrow. I just programmed my locos, in preparation for the operation…another task finished.

Gad! I’ve been humiliated! He really did it…he beat me to it…he finally installed guard rails!

Now I’m under pressure to do mine. I thought I had at least another year of procrastination time left. :wink: Nice job though Fred. The bridges really do look super. Thanks for the photo and best wishes for a successful ops session. :slight_smile:

When you take the batteries out of the transmitters over the winter, they have to be reprogrammed when you put the new batteries back in, as part of the Spring projects.
While not a big job; with a half dozen locos; you have to make sure that you get the locos all programmed with different addresses. You must remember that this isn’t a “Roundy-roundy” type operation, and all locos must be independent.

You might enjoy the thought that the trestle on the left, in that picture; has had guard rails on it for many years. It is out of main line service now, and is only used as part of a switch-back to get access to a mine. The Third bridge that I finally finished the guard rails on, yesterday; is way off, farther to the left, out of the picture. There was a fourth trestle that got burned several years ago…it also had guard rails on it.
My son; you will see the Branch Railroadian light very soon, and protect your wonderful bridges and trestles with guard rails. Have two pints of holy water and call me in the evening.

Thank you all for posting pictures for me. I do very much appreciate the effort.

Very nice! I’d like to add guard rails to my bridges someday.

I won’t be adding guard rails to my bridges, the proto doesn’t have any on those bridges, either.

I’ll do it if Fred saved me some code 215 rail. :wink: I could trade him some LGB straight track and some R1 switches… :slight_smile:

…It all depends on how much you need, Bruce. My supply is limited.

As far as the “R1” switches…nawwwww keep em !!!

I’ve got a bunch of one foot sections of LGB straights. I don’t know if you’re interested or not, but I could bring them to the Invasion. I might have to drink one of the beers I bring, in trade…

Here’s a couple of excellent closeup low angle shots of the guard rails on the bridges taken by one of the IPP&W’s official photographers, Tyler Larabie. These really show the installation clearly.

Basically if your into detail this is good. As all major class one RR have removed the guard rails. With the newer equip no longer severs the intended purpose. Later RJD

Not around here they haven’t. The guard rails still serve the very purpose they always have.

In fact today I consulted with several CN and CP MOW people, and they all confirmed that guard rails are still used on most bridges.