Large Scale Central


Well, the only thing that growing right now is the size of the puddles. And the weeds.
However, last Sunday I managed to snatch a few dry hours to assemble some PT lumber into trackbed for the lengthening of my basic raised oval. The new assemblies are now under a tarp, awaiting the next dry spell.

Depending on which forecast you look at, next weekend is either going to be drizzly :frowning: or cloudy but dry with sunny intervals :slight_smile: . I am hoping for the best, so I can take the current oval apart and shift the whole thing over, closer to the east fence (thus allowing more kid-space on the west side of the yard).

Biggest nuisance I have is a Hydro transformer at the bottom of the yard; cannot put any “structure” closer than 10 feet to it, which means a couple of hundred square feet or so in a not-very-big yard are off limits to railways, raised veggie beds, play structures or sheds.

If all goes according to plan (see Burns, Robbie, about plans of mice and men), the south end of the new oval will be at or slightly below current ground level near the top of our drainage slope (25% or so, but I’m not into rack railways); the north end will be roughly 28 inches off the ground and 10 feet from the futzverschluggene transformer.

The long-range plan is to run a ground-level branch from the oval across the “high land” to a mining/quarry operation on the western hedgeline (perhaps it should be lumbering, given the pruning those shrubs require each year). This will give me some “operation” when I get bored with trundling trains around the oval.
Fortunately, “Her Eminence” is prepared to allow me domain over parts of the yard.

Rain, rain, go away. Australia needs you.


I have a couple of old LGB switches for you…

Fred Mills said:

I have a couple of old LGB switches for you…

Thats cool!

Fred Mills said:

I have a couple of old LGB switches for you…

Thanks, Fred. I do intend to drop by sometime when my services are not required by a Higher Power.

Frustrating weekend.
Saturday morning rain cleared up into a beautiful afternoon, but She had other plans for that time, so no work outdoors. Sunday started out dry, so I had time to take the old raised trackbed apart, shift three deckblocks to roughly the correct new locations and level them up, before Mother Nature turned on the taps again. Went out to do other things, and the clouds blew away, only to return, splitter-splatter, when we got home :stuck_out_tongue:

I was able to confirm that the new location will work as planned :D, by using the old trackbed as a layout tool. However, I think I shall replace the old cedar structure with new PT (1/3 the price), as I can see better ways to arrange the “main line” and it’ll be easier and neater to build from scratch. I shall keep the old wood, most of which just needs a bit of sanding and refinishing, for sidings and branch-line work.

Meanwhile, the long-range forecast calls for sun Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri, and rain next Saturday. Grrrr. I’m working split shifts these days, so my weekday evenings are not my own, but I will try to get in an hour or two in the afternoons. A bit here, a bit there, and the job will get done (I hope!).

(No, the split shifts are not big bad boss making nasty; boss responded nicely, and at some inconvenience to the company, to my request to have time to get the grandkids off to school in the morning and meet them off the school bus in the afternoon.)

Sounds good Chris. Pretty much the same results here. Last week was cold and wet, so no evening work. My extra day off Friday was spent going to Albany, NY. Saturday I decided fixing the front walk was more important than trains. That ended up taking all day and most of Sunday. I did manage to get one of the new switches masked and painted.

Weather looks good here for evening work this week.

Chris Vernell said:
Frustrating weekend. Saturday morning rain cleared up into a beautiful afternoon, but She had other plans for that time, so no work outdoors. Sunday started out dry, so I had time to take the old raised trackbed apart, shift three deckblocks to roughly the correct new locations and level them up, before Mother Nature turned on the taps again. Went out to do other things, and the clouds blew away, only to return, splitter-splatter, when we got home :P

I was able to confirm that the new location will work as planned :D, by using the old trackbed as a layout tool. However, I think I shall replace the old cedar structure with new PT (1/3 the price), as I can see better ways to arrange the “main line” and it’ll be easier and neater to build from scratch. I shall keep the old wood, most of which just needs a bit of sanding and refinishing, for sidings and branch-line work.

Meanwhile, the long-range forecast calls for sun Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri, and rain next Saturday. Grrrr. I’m working split shifts these days, so my weekday evenings are not my own, but I will try to get in an hour or two in the afternoons. A bit here, a bit there, and the job will get done (I hope!).

(No, the split shifts are not big bad boss making nasty; boss responded nicely, and at some inconvenience to the company, to my request to have time to get the grandkids off to school in the morning and meet them off the school bus in the afternoon.)


Life’s a bitch! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: to cheer you up head over to and check out the videos I shot on Friday. :slight_smile:

PS Friday temp in Lytton 32ºC, Vernon 33ºC Summer is just around the corner!

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
PS Friday temp in Lytton 32ºC, Vernon 33ºC Summer is just around the corner!
We switched the furnace on last night :( Most years, I've shut the pilot light off in early May ...

However, I have a cunning plan to create workspace in the storage shed I built last summer – OK, it was Herself’s idea :wink: – so I can cut and assemble roadbed sections out of the weather and then put the layout together when/if the sun ever comes out …

It’s not all bad; while dodging raindrops, I have come up with a couple of improvements to the layout plan and construction details.