Large Scale Central

Grove Springs Railroad open house

We at Grove Springs Railroad Grove. Ok wish to invite anyone in the area to come and visit us on August 16th, 2008. Time will be from 10 am to 3pm depending on how much fun we are having.

Besides my trains we will have live steam thanks to Bruce Stockbridge and Mitch Mitchell. Norm Andersen will be here also with his new creation. I have rebuilt my layout and should be in good running condition.
See you soon

Terry & Wanda Jackson
1018 Kiheka St.
Grove, Ok.

I wish I could be there, Terry; but it would be quite a drive.

I wish you good weather and great operations with good friends.


Today we had 2 Diesels running and a bunch of live steams engines and a K-27 and some of Norm’s special engines. All together we had around 110 people attending during the day.


looks like a good time , Congrats TJ!!

TJ, put on a good open house. We had 10 club members go over and 9 family members.

Henson Tittle
Lincoln Arkansas

I see a few familiar faces. Glad to hear it all went well.








the K27 and the indy sitting together

We had a great time… Thanks Wanda and Terry…Get some rest…

Wow! That’s a lot of people. The layout sure looks like it was up to the task - it looks great!

Great job, Terry. I wish we could have joined you.

Hey Terry.

I can remember years ago when youwere first asking for help in designing your RR.
It has turned out spectacularly well.
Congrats on a job well done.

Ah Tony; Remember when young “TP” Terry and I fought long and hard from our seperate bunkers; lobbing insults and barbs about track power vs RC…those were the good old days.
Yes, Terry has “Done good”, and even plays with RC without a wimper…!!!

Now we just have to get him up here to Ottawa and introduce him to true operation and a glass of Chilian Merlot, along with a good steak dinner.

Canadian, US or Aussie beef?

Forgot to give an update on the open house. We hosted 120 visitors at best count after looking at pictures and figuring out who signed the guest register and who hadn’t. We even had some folks from Huntsville, Arkansas a week later. They got the dates mixed up. If the moles don’t tear up the layout looks like we will do it again next year.