Large Scale Central

Greg Hile Mik's Challenge 2020 -- Alhambra Valley Farmhouse

The Carquinez & Alhambra Valley RR community in the early 20th century faced many challenges but perhaps none was more important than supporting its local agricultural interests. Especially desirous for support were its vintners, of which there were many, including the Christian Brothers. who produced various wines and brandies in Martinez until relocating to the Napa Valley in the early 1930s. My project this year is a farmhouse for a larger vineyard component of the C & AV RR. Based on an article published in The Craftsman of June, 1906, the farmhouse is “comfortable, homelike and beautiful,” with a single chimney made to do service for the entire house, as it is arranged to accommodate three flues, I’ll probably do some redesigns. Napkin to follow but here’s a screenshot of the original concept from the article.

Gonna burn this one down? I hope not!

LOL, no plans to, but, coincidentally, the 1906 SF earthquake occurred just a couple months after the article was published. Just sayin’ …

Greg that will be a great addition to any layout, this will be a good watch.


Thanks, Dennis. Looking forward to seeing your project, as well. BTW, my “napkin” will also be a SketchUp creation.

Okay, here we go …

Lots of windows, and Lap Siding should be a fun build to watch…

double post oops

You can draw on my napkin anyday, Gregory…

Nice porch and dormer. Oh yeah, and the chimney! Magnifique!

Technology sure has improved peoples napkin drawings.

So far this weekend, I have cut out the pieces for then first floor and mocked them up using reptile tape (can never remember if it is frog or alligator tape so I just call it reptile tape. Anyway, it’s green). The second floor design is a bit more intricate in that there will be open-beam ceilings and a sloped roof but now working on that. Next steps after cutting out the second floor walls are to cut out doors and windows and scribe the sidings. I also need to add a back porch and a nook sitting area off the side of the rooms.


So fancy! Nice progress.

Oh man am I liking the start of this.

impressive, are you going to lay hardwood flooring and have wallpaper, LoL. doing lights in a couple of rooms?


Gregory, first, I want to know where I can order a set of those napkins? Absolutely gorgeous. This will be a beautiful build and I look forward To following along.

Dennis, actually, that is the plan. Not sure if I will use plastic scored to resemble wood or actual wood. I have plenty of .125 Komatex and a ton of scrap VG doug fir on hand, plus a variety of stains, to come up with something. Gonna to do some test pieces to see what works best. Will probably paint the walls but I might have some vinyl on hand I could run through the printer to create wallpaper. Not sure yet. Lights are also in the plan.

Dan, sorry, but I grabbed a free photograph of the napkin off of Adobe Stock images.

But, a frog is an amphibian, not a reptile.

David Maynard said:

But, a frog is an amphibian, not a reptile.

I wasn’t going there

Devon Sinsley said:

David Maynard said:

But, a frog is an amphibian, not a reptile.

I wasn’t going there

Probably easier to just call it green tape, for that matter, but you get attached to a name and, well … I also walk with a cane nowadays and have named my favorite one Virgil. Anyone have an idea why? Hint: it has to do with trains.

Anyway, here’s a shot of the first floor with the rooms labeled. I have also been experimenting with wood stains. Not sure how well they will work.

John Passaro said:

Oh man am I liking the start of this.
