Large Scale Central

Great Train Show - Anaheim - Review

Sunday, 8th
My daughter and I attended. One large scale layout was up 'n running – the ever-present Del Oro gigantic serpentine of track and visuals. Only one large scale dealer, the locally based BridgeMasters with their huge cadre of LGB products was visible. At least five H0 and N guage layouts laced with several 3-rail and S guage runners. Numbers of the expected shirt and memorabilia tables along with those selling large quantities of new and used N, HO, Lionel, and American Flyer products.

Note for any Great Train managers: Your missing signage at the parking entrance – numerous lots were not useable for train show – and missing signs directing attendees to the correct hall, made the event difficult to attend. The other events held simultaneously were well identified.

Wendell Hanks said:
Sunday, 8th My daughter and I attended. One large scale layout was up 'n running -- the ever-present Del Oro gigantic serpentine of track and visuals. Only one large scale dealer, the locally based BridgeMasters with their huge cadre of LGB products was visible. At least five H0 and N guage layouts laced with several 3-rail and S guage runners. Numbers of the expected shirt and memorabilia tables along with those selling large quantities of new and used N, HO, Lionel, and American Flyer products.

Note for any Great Train managers: Your missing signage at the parking entrance – numerous lots were not useable for train show – and missing signs directing attendees to the correct hall, made the event difficult to attend. The other events held simultaneously were well identified.

What no pictures ???


Hey Wendell, only ONE G Layout? Really? Did you miss the Door Hollow Shortline and my layout Pizza Pizza in the back there?, You might have missed Bob and Dons DHS layout for the huge crowds that were always around it :smiley: Mines easy to miss, it is small, I know :wink:

Sorry guys no pics, I got in the Saturday AM and was it was non-stop questions till the show ended. Very busy Saturday, Sunday was quieter, mostly families out for the day. Its a different vibe, Sat alot of modelers, Sun mostly families and kids out to just look.

Victor Smith said:
Hey Wendell, only ONE G Layout? Really? Did you miss the Door Hollow Shortline and my layout Pizza Pizza in the back there?, You might have missed Bob and Dons DHS layout for the huge crowds that were always around it :D Mines easy to miss, it is small, I know ;)

Sorry guys no pics, I got in the Saturday AM and was it was non-stop questions till the show ended. Very busy Saturday, Sunday was quieter, mostly families out for the day. Its a different vibe, Sat alot of modelers, Sun mostly families and kids out to just look.

So I see your having a good time Displaying, It is fun isn’t it…

1st rule of Displaying, Always load camera 1st in the car.


Gimmie a break Nick, I barely had time to eat lunch :wink: I did bring a camera on Saturday but by the time I was set up the show started and from then on I was buried! the only reason I was able to eat or even use the head was Bob or Sandra Baxter came over and covered for me, I took water bottles, trail mix and some canned coffee drinks, and I’m glad I did. I only got to look around a little near the end of Sunday. Only bought an unfinished LGB tender bash and a Piko building kit. Didnt have any money for the new Piko 2-6-0 Hans from Gold Coast Station had on display, or for the brass MoLoCo Bear River #1 geared loco Jonathan Bliese had for sale. Pooh! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Del Oro Pacific got a fair amount of attention because it is so big. And with several locos running–all steam, that I noticed–it was very noisy, what with the chuffing and whistling. But Door Hollow and Victor’s pizza layout got more attention relative to their size, because of the action (trains circling and stuff like a working steam shovel, oil derrick, gold mine, etc) and of course, Baxter’s collection of esoteric locomotives. I spent more time than I had alloted myself (4 hours) just shootin’ the breeze with the gang. If I had know how easy it was to post images here, I would have shot more pictures. As it is, I shot only some ON30 layout stuff, which is over in the ON30 section. I am so tempted to get into that scale. BTW, we need to take up a collection for Vic, as he said he had only a dollar left to his name :slight_smile:

Yeah Joe, all them xmas bills payed out right before the show so I went to the well but the well was dry. :frowning:
I did get a good look at the new Piko 2-6-0 Mogul. Seeing it up close I think it looks better than the LGB Mogul. It does need a more standard gauge tender to be convincing as such but its nice as is for narrow gauge. Got a stack of things to do to the layout before the next show. Piko has an impressive line up coming out this year. Hopefully i’ll get into the BTS this year. :smiley:

I goofed. My apology missing your display. What a chance to connect a real person with their ideas. Rats!