Large Scale Central

Graffiti and Death

I doubt that you folks in the USA will have heard about this , but a couple of days ago , two young chaps , one age 19 , the other 21 , were killed by a Tube Train in the approach to a large depot , running to escape getting caught for Graffiti spraying .
The media just now interviewed the parents . On television .
One said that her son had told her there was a “legal place to do it” and she believed him .
Another said that he saw a headline in the paper saying “two killed” , he looked at the paper and found that they were referring to two Army Casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan . He very decently compared the two lots of deaths , saying about the Army lads , " You wouldn’t mind that , it has a reason . My son went for no reason "

OK , sad , true , and graffiti costs London Transport over 2 million quid a year to clean up . We have to pay for that , via local taxes .

BUT the story which grabbed far more time was Global Warming . The announcer was obviously on a bonus scheme for mentioning it , she said it so often with that superior sneer on the face like these do-gooders get . I wish they would start off like that in front of me , they’d get a face warming . I have mentioned before that there is a Master Plan to promote this dubious issue , and so far I have been proven correct .
The latest scam is to charge people driving “Gas Guzzling 4x4’s” a large sum of money to park in the road outside their own houses . What this will do to reduce gas guzzling , God only knows . Especially as people are already making the suburbs ugly by removing their fences and greenhouse gas absorbing hedges so as to park in what was a pretty garden , concrete it over , no water draining into the aquifers , all down the sewers instead .
These so called tree huggers cannot think straight for spite . Why do they always talk like they are talking to a child ?
So a non event like losing the local war on 4x4’s is given precedence over two deaths caused by stupidity likely to be repeated .
“And do please email us with your thoughts on this 4x4 gas guzzling .”
We don’t give a shot about two deaths . No , we don’t want to be told how much that costs.
Think about that , if any of you can imagine what it would be like to have to bury a son because of spraying a paint can around and compare that with the non proven silliness , which would you give precedence to ?

We have our values wrong somewhere . Do not think for one minute that this is not going to affect you , I already hear that the Americans are hated because of their global warming habits . Big cars , big polluters . Crap of course , but when you have the government propaganda machines working full out , it will be too late .
Be warned .


When it comes to taggers…if you intentionally place yourself in harms way to commit an act of vandalism, your just asking for it, its just Darwinism on display and I’m not going to say “Poor kid” I’ll feel sorry for the parents but if they knew their kid was tagging and were indifferent to it, or worse were like that moron mother over here who was busted for taxi-ing her kids crew around in her SUV, please…

Mike Morgan said:
... two young chaps , one age 19 , the other 21 , were killed by a Tube Train in the approach to a large depot , running to escape getting caught for Graffiti spraying . ... compared the two lots of deaths , saying about the Army lads , " You wouldn't mind that , it has a reason . My son went for no reason "
No reason? The kid -- in law, if not in fact, "of the age of reason" -- was in a notoriously dangerous place (heck it has only been, what, almost 180 years since Mr Huskisson was killed by the Rocket), wilfully doing damage and trying to escape the consequences. If the train hadn't got him, a live rail might well have. I don't suppose anyone interviewed the driver, or the crew that had to clean up the mess, to ask how they were feeling.

As for the other nonsense … well, in other news, Trolopp Delajour and her hubby R.S. Hole are splitting up after a blissful four-day marriage and isn’t this so sad and how will it impact her devoted legions of fans and we go to world-renowned relational analyst Seeli Nutbar for her commentary …

Chris Vernell said:
Trolopp Delajour and her hubby R.S. Hole…

Sorry, you’ll have to be more specific, you just described about 90% of the guests at the Golden Globe Award show last night.

Victor Smith said:

Chris Vernell said:
Trolopp Delajour and her hubby R.S. Hole…

Sorry, you’ll have to be more specific, you just described about 90% of the guests at the Golden Globe Award show last night.

Golden Glob Award? Wot dat?

"Chris" said:
Golden Glob Award? Wot dat?
Vanity Affair...:D

Chris Vernell said:

Victor Smith said:

Chris Vernell said:
Trolopp Delajour and her hubby R.S. Hole…

Sorry, you’ll have to be more specific, you just described about 90% of the guests at the Golden Globe Award show last night.

Golden Glob Award? Wot dat?

Precurser to the Academy Awards, only for both TV and Movies, but at this one they feed them and booze them up at the tables so by the end of the night the acceptance speeches can get bit slushy, anyone hear Forrest Whitaker slurry “Wow…like Wow…oh…er …Wow” speech? One too many Martinis methinks…

So you chaps are OK with this “global warming” then ?

Victor Smith said:
Chris Vernell said:
Golden Glob Award? Wot dat?
Precursor to the Academy Awards,
In truth, I know that. I have to read some of the tripe in my grocery-earning efforts. In my couch-potato capacity, any time I see "awards show", I change the channel -- or go and do something else if my wife insists on sticking with the show.

Yes , Chris , I usually go and puke somewhere . Figuratively speaking .


You guys watch that stuff on TV…egads, that tells me a lot about your lives…

Mike Morgan said:
So you chaps are OK with this "global warming" then ?
If you mean, am I OK with the Chicken Little zealots -- send 'em to Col. Sanders. OTOH, we should be doing what we can to lessen the muck we put in the air, land and water, as my father the old Burma forester would have told you 50 years ago. Simple self-preservation, without cant or hysteria.
Fred Mills said:
You guys watch that stuff on TV........egads, that tells me a lot about your lives....
I thought I said I don't watch it :) and as for having a life to call my own ... well, right now I'm about to try to put three small and bouncing grandchildren to bed ... as it was last night and will be tomorrow night ... in saecula saeculorum, amen

Some stupid kid got killed the same way in NJ about a week ago. What bugs me is that the news articles described him as a “graffiti artist”. These jerks are NOT artists! They are vandals, plain and simple.

Here in Spokane we have several places that are designated for the Grafiti Artists to use. There can be some very interesting art on those walls. But these are the kids that are the artists, not the gang taggers who go on still defacing everything.

I wonder how quick he be called an “artist” if he was spraying that crap on your house…:wink:

Chris ,
I am very much againsy pollution , anyone with a bit of common sense is . No , global warming , to me , means scare mongering to provide a conscience free reason to put up taxes , and all the associated crap that goes along with it . The same mob are involved in all of it , don’t use fertilizers , then produce expensive "natural " fruit etc (how long does it take a mature fruit tree to become ‘organic’) . Don’t cross breed natural plants like wheat , go back to the stone age where the wheat ears were like grass .
Pollution is chucking stuff where it shouldn’t be , like cleaning oil tanks at sea , emptying your old sump oil in the local stream .
Have you been invadee by these nutcases yet , the "don’t fly anywhere " brigade ?
And , “what is your carbon footprint?”
Gawd 'elp us .


Mike Morgan said:
The same mob are involved in all of it , don't use fertilizers , ...
They're generally full of ... naturally occurring fertilizer
Mike Morgan said:
And , "what is your carbon footprint?"
I have rubber soles, not carbon. Well, actually, they are probably (SHOCK! HORROR!) artificial rubberlike substances. On Doc Martens ... "and he's a skinhead*, too!"

*naturally occurring result of seasonal progression :frowning:

I once knew a "Dr> Martin…he proved to be a quack…
Why would any one pay extra money for overpriced boots with his name on them ?

I don’t know about my carbon foot print, but I can leave a pretty good methane trail…:lol: