The Shay is here !!! Marilyn chose the open cab because A) I couldn’t decide B) She likes the balloon stack and C) To be different than Ric and Bruce.
Royce included a pump bottle and a Goodall valve in the package. Since the 2 Cyl. Shay has no sight glass, use of the valve poses some questions to those that have this set-up.
1 - When cold, do you fill water with the pump bottle through the valve, or unscrew it and fill normally?
2 - If the answer to #1 is unscrew it, is it normal to get some steam leakage at this valve it tightened by hand without tools? I can get it tight enough to hold pressure with a pliers, but not by hand. Leakage is minor, but noticeable by sound and condensate.
3 - When replenishing water while hot with the pump bottle, how do you know how much to add?
We raised the first steam this morning about midnight on the indoor division. I used my swing up bridge as the steam-up location and didn’t notice any mess around the track except on the bridge where it first started. After a short learning curve on getting the fire to light at the burner and not in the smokebox we had a good head of steam in about 10 minutes. The engine ran well in both forward and reverse around the balloon track. The only minor incident was splitting a switch sending the rear trucks down the straight route after the front trucks followed the diverging route. Got it stopped before derailing but did slip the drive shaft out requiring some fiddling.
Coming from a beginner with ZERO experience and only the manual and a YouTube video as guidance, This is a superb engine. Very easy to steam and a good runner right out of the box.
Film at 11.