Does anyone know if Gilbert is still in producing parts?
Does anyone know if Gilbert is still in producing parts?
I thought he threw in the towel.
Gilbert sold out to Shapeways…you know the rest…
If you need a part, , We have a fellow here that might make a replacement for you.
He only produces parts as a small bit of his enjoyment of the hobby.
If you let me know what part you require, and we have one on hand up here, he may produce a duplicate for you. for you. If not, send the broken part to me and he will take a look at it… A picture of the part may help…
Fred Mills [email protected]
Sad we lost another small Manufacturer
I was looking to purchase another five sets of the GLX-ATB-10 which are the replacement throwbars for Aristocraft turnouts.
I do not believe these were 3D printed. But instead likely laser cut from a plastic board. I wonder if he would share the design with the community.
Ahh, the switch Throw Bars…I know them well.
I will contact Gilbert and see what the status is with them.
They were 10 to a card and laser cut as you noted.
,I contacted Gilbert just this minute…Stan… He told me that he received your email, but hasn’t had time yet to reply.
He still has those Throw Bars in stock.
If anyone else needs some, just contact him…
Fred Mills
Much appreciated.