No Monthly meeting scheduled in November
November 4 - 5, 2006, 12:00 Noon - 5 pm, both days - 5th Annual Kaskaskia Valley Railway Fall Operating Session, Carlyle, Illinois
November 25 - 26, 2006 - Train Show , Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, Illinois, 6 am Saturday morning setup.
December ??, 2006 - Monthly meeting - Harold & Carol Jennings
January ??, 2007 - Monthly meeting - Skip & Patty MacEwen
February 10 - 11, 2007 - Gateway Garden Railroad Club 5th Annual Winter Meet, Carlyle, Illinois
May 11-13, 2007 - Heart of America Train Show, Overland Park, Kansas City, KS… This will be a club Modular Layout set-up. Details will be forth coming…
The Gateway Garden Railroad Club is a family oriented group interested in collecting and running large scale trains. For the most part members live in the Greater St. Louis, Missouri Metropolitan Area. Although the club has some members as far as several hundred miles away. We meet once a month and it costs only $10 a year to join. If you are interested in joining, contact the address or number at the bottom of this post and enjoy the fun of large scale trains in the St. Louis area.
Corrections, information or inquiries can be directed to
Ric Golding - [email protected] or (618) 594 - 3902