What happens when a landlord hires his brother-in-law to be the maintenance man? Nothing much good if you LIVE there. We’ve been here a year. I’m still sorting out the drains, wiring, fixing the floors, windows, and generally trying to undo what Randy did. Just to make this dump fall under what most folks would expect as ‘habitable’. I was beginning to think nothing would surprise me anymore… WRONG!
A week ago, we noticed a damp spot starting in the bedroom, but couldn’t find the source. Last night about 10pm the wall started hissing, so we pulled the dressers away, and found the panelling was hot and blistered. Pulled the soggy panelling off annnnnd was greeted by a very fine steam of very hot water… Mr. Brilliant had driven a nail though the hot water line when putting the panelling back up while he was ‘fixing’ the freeze breaks before we moved in. Then just left it. And the nail had finally rusted out. There was a cute little 6" square access hole patched with cardboard a few inches from where the hole in the pipe was was, so I’m guessing he probably knew he did it, too.
“Fixing” it will only require about 6" or so of pvc pipe and 2 unions, PLUS 2 sheets of panelling, new carpet (stained), and if my great great aunt’s 100+ YO oak dresser molds or splits, I’ll not be real happy about THAT either. Do I submit a bill and get a retalliatory eviction notice? Do I charge union scale for labor while I’m at it? Or is this enough sue the both of them over? Since I’ve just fixed the damned stuff up to now, when I probably SHOULD have been taking notes and pictures all along? I’m sure not calling Randy to come ‘fix’ it! (Or maybe I should? This time he might put a nail though a live wire and learn to be more careful?..No. My luck the place would just burn down…I’m not real sure you CAN “fix” careless, let alone stupid, anyway.)
All because somebody hired his wife’s brother to save HIM money. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!