Large Scale Central

Getting ties back on the rails?

Some of the plastic ties on my track have popped off on one end, the result of being stepped on without a solid base underneath. Does anyone know how to get them back on? The plastic “spikes” are not broken.

Cut the tie ‘connector’ bit underneath the rail, between the still-attached ties and the loose ones. Slide the loose ones off, then slide them back on over both rails.

I think the only way is to take the track out and reslide them. I have tried to just put them back on but end up breaking the plastic spikes. Maybe someone has a trick to putting them back on without disconnection the track but I cant see any other way without doing damage to the spikes.

I’ve tried prying them back on with a small screwdriver - generally doesn’t work. Sliding them on is the best way. On my RR if it’s only one or two, I just cut the offending spikes off so the rail can lie back on the tie. Not worth ripping up a bunch of track to fix.