Large Scale Central

Getting the VIMEO embedding to work

First try

Using this code from VIMEO

iframe src="//" width=“500” height=“281” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>

VIA Rail – Part 2 Train #2 between Clearwater and Moose Lake, BC

from HJ Mueller (aka The Old Railfan) on Vimeo.

GRRRRRRRRRRR it converts that code to three different Links.

Second try

BTW as copy pasted there was no s on http

third try

No, I’m not amused! A bit of a crock, isn’t it?

Frittering away half the morning, but low and behold it finally shows what I expected it to show all along. GRRRRR.

Went through the line up of programs (Control Panel) to nuke what I suspected could be the cause. Then reinstalled a fresh version and here …

Back to reading my book and then get cracking with more video.

I use Opera also HJ.

I cannot play your video.

I will try Firefox and see what happens.

Addendum: Works fine on Firefox. Will watch later.

Sure makes me wonder what’s going on at OPERA. Up to ver12 there were rarely any glitches then the version count went to 15, 16, 17, 18 all within months. Took me a while to find out that OPERA was taken over by GOOGLE Chrome.

Now they’re up to ver19 and the users complain up missing the features that were in ver12 & 15. Absolutely “hilarious” how progress works.

OTOH it isn’t much different than OS, fora and websites, the changes come and go. What worked very nicely gets replaced by the latest and the greatest.

But once in a while it provides an opportunity to add a special touch, too.


Firefox was fine. Will post reply in the correct thread. I like Opera log in key, but was disappointed to loose the mail choice. I see you mentioned before that Google had a hand it things.

Ah! well.

I’m considering embedding both the VIMEO and the YouTube links. That way one can pick one’s poison.