Large Scale Central

Geezer Eye Test

They need to reverse that!! Those little ones really strain my eyes…:smiley:

Did I miss something?

Steve, your appointment with the eye doctor is Monday at 2:30…:stuck_out_tongue:

You should see what she’s doing on the last row with that cumumber. :open_mouth:

She’s making a salad…sheesh bunch of dirty ol’men :smiley:

i’m no where near being a “geezer” but i gotta have my eyes checked after that one

The bottom 2 rows are too pixellated to see anything anyway

Where do I get a copy of that poster???


I wonder if Dee knows John is posting girly pictures in public forums…:smiley:

Warren Mumpower said:
They need to reverse that!! Those little ones really strain my eyes....:D
Warren, you're right! The eye popping ones should be on top! Improves the eyesight!