Large Scale Central


We had a small gathering at my house last Saturday, here are a few pictures…

I touched it up a bit -


nice mountain and trestle! -Brian







more later…

OK one more…



WOW! Beautiful Railroad!!

Would you entertain a few questions:

How much trackage?
How much track elevation change?
Is a track plan available?
And can we see some more of those beautiful vignettes (as in the bear / salmon / river scene)? Love it.

Is “N.L.R.” North Little Rock, AR?

Thanks for sharing.

Happy RRing,


Very nice railroad Bernie. I love the trestles and the raised bed construction.


That’s a Fantastic looking layout… Thanks for sharing the pictures…

Wow. I didn’t realize it was that large. Very nice!


Very nice, Bernie. Looking good!


Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for posting.

Don’t stop now!

Thanks guys…
Jerry, I can answer some questions, the one I can answer for sure is that N.L.R. does stand for North Little Rock,Arkansas…as far as trackage it would be a guess right now, elevation change is about 4 1/2 feet, largest grade is about 1.5%… I think the pictures make it look bigger than it is.

Hey Bernie,

It was a beautiful day Saturday; hope you had a good turnout!! Pictures look great, layout looks superb!