Large Scale Central

Garratt oiler

The garratt loco has two sets of cylinders ,question: does the oiler delivery tube cuts in right after the regulator and then goes into cylinder set one and cylinder set two? Or does the oiler line split to equal the amount going to each set of cylinders? Or does each set of cylinders have their own oiler?

Pics would be appreciated!

Thanks ,Manfred

I can only note that MY AccuCraft Garrat has the one large oiler in the cab that seems to last just fine for about 3/4 hour, and the stuff goes to all the right places. Very little gets blown out when I shut down the loco after a run, so I figure that it’s all being used in a suitable amount. For sure there are visible signs of the stuff on each set of piston rods et al during the running.

tac, ig & The Garratt Superpower Weekend Boys