“.…You want to see the hobby grow? Have supplies and items readily available? Have new products at affordable prices? Then get out and promote and participate in the hobby…” !!!
Unlike (posted as IMHO) elsewhere on another g-gauge flavoured forum (thread) titled,
"What happened to cause the downturn of the large scale market sales ? …
… And a lot of peoples get involved in (different) things, because to them it is trendy, so seeing this new outdoor-flavoured hobby they jumped into it ! When the trendy/new aspect of it wore off it and the economy went ‘south’, they used that as an reason to bail out of one of their latest trendy past-times.
As mentioned on another forum (thread), here in town a bricks 'n mortar has brought in the G-gauge line of Piko to supplement their previous stock of small scales (n/ho - marklin, trix, piko +) .
And added ‘bonus’ to consumers, (and kudos to this Cdn bricks’nmortar) … their pricing of this g-gauge manufacturer product is cheaper than the regional-based “online” shop !!
All consumer goods markets have/had gone soft, but as a recent media report stated the peoples in the top % level are making higher earnings although unsaid, was not for the frontline staffers that those top % laid off since '08 u.s generated crash, and the collapse of the O/G industry.
Oh yeah both these vendors (brick & online) up here in Canada, not selling msrp or higher, as 3 other local HSs used to do previous to bailing-out (no re-stocking of G-gauge new prod. nor NOS) 8-10 yrs ago …"
Still IMHO !
And regards equipment acquisitions in most regions (especially/seemingly the usofa) the HSs have disappeared, but you surf -you network-you will hear of peoples who have to (or chose to) downsize their (or significant others) railway ‘collection’. I keep telling myself you have enough, stay away from those occ. offerings, but at times the quality & pricepoint of a piece, makes it a offering I can not walk away from … happening here-now !
doug c