Large Scale Central

Fullerton Train Museum OPEN

Fullerton’s new “Walk Through Time” train museum is open for visitors 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. The 1940’s lounge/café/dormitory cars are a big hit as the pots 'n pans are still hanging in the kitchen along with the cars being in near restored condition. Other walk-throughs are the four cabooses starting with 1929 and ending with the last ones in 1980s. No admission charge. I’ll be working, as we do every Saturday on window gasket replacement. Please say “Hello.”


Yes, the Train Museum at the Fullerton station is OPEN 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 9:00 - 12:00. The work is going on every Saturday 9:00 - 12:00 am

However, we will not be having Railroad Days this year do to heavy construction. That means the 4-8-4 fired- up steamer, the newest Gen X giant BSNF diesel won’t be here at idle and Disney’s loco and track won’t be in place - along with the twenty model RR clubs’ modules displayed in their 1/4 mile long tent . So we are planning for 2019. We drew over 28,000 visitors last year and 36,000 the previous year when it didn’t rain! Our count was 4,000 little kids sat in the locos, cabooses, and passenger cars and had their pix taken.

Please accept the invitation to come on Saturdays for a tour and help with the putty knives, screwdrivers, and just plain basic skills getting the 1940’s passenger car window gaskets replaced.

I’m there, so say “hello!”
