Found another Aster/LGB K-28 for the layout. This one was nicely weathered by the previous owner.
I’m still deciding on what number to choose for this loco. It will be renumbered as either 476 or 478, I already have a 473.
Found another Aster/LGB K-28 for the layout. This one was nicely weathered by the previous owner.
I’m still deciding on what number to choose for this loco. It will be renumbered as either 476 or 478, I already have a 473.
Wow!! That is a really nice find!! Amazing weathering, if only I had that talent
Matt, I agree with the WOW!!! That’s the most beautiful locomotive ever! Can you please do me a favor? Post a bunch of details of it showing the weathering. It looks like the painting is perfectly to my taste, not too much, just right, and I would like to have a model to imitate. I have a big 2-8-8-2 that would look great with that kind of treatment.
Hey with that great weathering, it might be easier to change the number on the other one?
Renumbering it to 478 would be the easiest to do… I do love the weathering.
Changing a weathered number, and having the changes blend in is difficult. Very difficult. So yea, changing the number on the other one would probably work out better.