I just received a spam message sent by a MLS forum member, ‘marry55’. As I no longer post on that forum site, I am not aware if it is normal for MLS forum moderation team to approve members to post spam through the email server of the site. The email was the typical get rich quick scheme, with $7.5m for anyone wishing to assist the woman to expedite funds out of her West African country.
Ummm didja try asking the question at MLS?
I got one too, so no doubt others will as well.
If it isn’t brought up there by Sat am my time I will mention it.
This is nothing done with their permission. It appears that the site has been hacked again. We are all aware of that occurring. My suggestion is to politely notify the admins (Chad) and let them know the situation so they can delete the account.
Don’t forget that Bob just recently had to delete an account that was spamming our forums. These people are slimy and will go to any length to disrupt other peoples lives and fun.
I got it too.
I ejected it without even opening it.
I received the same email this morning. Someone had already informed MLS of the problem. The spamming account has been locked on MLS so no further messages should be coming from that address. The problem for all of these sites is that a new account can be opened “innocently” and then used for illicit purposes until found out.
What astounds me is that such spamming should even be worth the time. Why would anyone trust or buy from a party that cares so little for the privacy and enjoyment of others? If they have zero respect and concern for us now why would they care about giving good value or handling problems related to the transaction later?
I guess it’s true that “there’s a sucker born every minute”!
I would like to know you eject something without even opening it.
I use Outlook. Not Outlook Express.
Tony - do you have access to your email via your internet service provider? It would be a Webmail type of application were you “delete” before opening? The email hits the server of your email account BUT using OUTLOOK downloads into your OUTLOOK. It is best to review/delete BEFORE that happens [that is proof your email via a webmail/internet application]. Most internet providers have that option - even the very small company I used to be signed up with here in rural Illinois.
OR you can use spam blocking stuff that refuses emails BEFORE it gets to your server mail but you can lose a lot of customer that way…
TonyWalsham said:My e-mails are held by Comcast and not downloaded to my computer until I pick the ones I want to read. If I notice something I don't like, I can tag it as "Spam", and I'll never receive the e-mail from that sender again. It goes to a file at Comcast that you can recheck if you want, then you can permanently delete it without it even downloading to your computer.
I would like to know you eject something without even opening it. I use Outlook. Not Outlook Express.
There are lots of e-mail features with Comcast for configurations to your liking.
I don’t use Outlook or any of those programs.
Tony - What John said…same thing I was saying…
I use a yahoo email addy for my group email address. It has a spam filter that works like a champ. It puts them into a “bulk” folder that you can preview…or delete without ever looking to see what’s in it. “Outhouse” is actually a crappy email client and a darn good way to catch a virus. Yahoo scans everything for viruses before you ever download it.
Yer’ right about Yahoo email. Hotmail does the same. On a comparitive basis my hotmail account that I use 95% of the time gets less spam than Yahoo. Yahoo gets TONS o spam…
I answered the lady, and she sent me a cheque for $6, ooo, ooo…which is now in my bank account…!!!
Uncle Fred… My long lost millionaire uncle. My ship has landed…
Dang Fred she sent me 7.4 mil euros from the UK lottery last week. Lets PARTY
Peter McCafferty said:
Dang Fred she sent me 7.4 mil euros from the UK lottery last week. Lets PARTY
I must confess: there have been certain business propositions which are lucrative enough to use as collateral for major acquisitions. The first project is “LGB”, a proposal, with the untold millions used as bona fide collateral (should be as good as an irrevocable letter of credit :lol:), is in the works.
I use G mail (GOOGLE Mail) and have all of my other accounts forwarded to the Gmail account as it is the best spam filter one can find, removes 99% of the junk. Try it its free
Re: why do spammers spam?
Easy, they get paid for every email they send by the manufacturer’s of the products they hawk.
Have you noticed that viruses are way down? That’s because no one pays the hackers to do it, but they pay for spam mail.
It’s nice that Google and others offer free anti-spam services. I for one, have an independent ISP, I do not want the government reading all of my emails. (The regularly tap Google, Microsoft, etc. for emails to look for terrorists, communists, subversives, and anyone else that is a threat).
I have spam checking done by my ISP. I use an additional spam checker in my Microsoft Outlook, called CA Anti-spam, formerly Qurb. It is the best of the about 10 I have tried.
Regards, Greg
It’s a forged email address. Prolly never went to mls’s server, in fact, it was probably send by a “bot” on some unsuspecting person’s computer.