Another box that has to go - no more room for trains that don’t get used. I picked up this set of 4 coaches which are in excellent original condition, and I bought steel Gary Raymond wheels to go with them, plus I have 4 pairs of Accucraft 1/29th couplers. I was going to put them all together and make a really useful train, but I changed my mind.
I paid $75 for this set, which I thought was a good deal, so the price is $75 plus shipping for the coaches. I paid $65 for the 16 axles of semi-scale wheels, so I will sell them for $65 + shipping. And the 4 pairs of couplers cost me $5 each, so $20 for the lot. Here’s some more photos and info.
The 2 coaches:
Combine and Observation.
Nice brass end rails and a neat drumhead on the Observation. Some of the decor is a bit faded, especially the combine.
As you can see, the combine and one of the coaches already have a Bachmann coupler. It mates with the Accucraft ones I have for sale.
The second photo below shows the 1/29th coupler on the right with a standard Accucraft 1:20 coupler on the left.
And finally the wheels, which may not be available - one of my friends has expressed interest and I may decide to keep them for future projects.