Large Scale Central

First video

This was my first ever video. Thank God it is a decent camera.
My wife would have had a stroke had she seen it resting atop a box car!
and, before you comment, I now know about the weird slide in it…

I don’t know about a weird slide, but the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk kept walking in and out of the picture :smiley:
I was also expecting beer reefers on the Pabst Blue Ribbon Railway :lol:

All kidding aside, I had to duck a few times while watching :wink:
I love the squeeking wheels too :slight_smile:

Your mountains look good

Thanx for the ride…:wink:

Good Ride !

Great video Don. I really enjoyed the ride. RR is looking good. I like the mountains and trestles.

Still plenty of work ahead. I just finished completely redesigning the track plan to this configuration. I had to do way too much walking back and forth between switches before, so relocated them to a single area, with a passsing siding and a spur for the depot, all in a 15 feet area. Thanks for the positive comments guys.

I’d be interested in seeing your track plan.

Nice video, makes me realize I need more boxcars on my RR!

Ray Dunakin said:
Nice video, makes me realize I need more boxcars on my RR!
I think you need more rocks Ray :)

Jon Radder said:
I’d be interested in seeing your track plan.


I should have commented in the previous post, but here goes:
All of the track is 4’ or longer flex track now, and I took it on the chin and used jaw rail clamps this time, then crawled around on the ground and soldered every joint, and still have power connected in 11 different spots. Admittedly overkill, but I am just lazy enough that I want to wire this thing only one time.
I also have 3 more power suppply spots for lights in my buildings this time around.
I should have posted a drawing showing dimensions a bit better, but when using flex track it is easier to make the dirt/rocks how you want and after the fact make the track fit the terrain.
To add a bit of dimesion to the drawing, the loop on the left (over the two trestles and though the tunnel, in the video the silver switchbox end) has 53’ of track alone, so you can see how the other 160 or so are easily consumed. I’ll try to get some dimensions on a drawing if need be, as well as an overview picture.

Thanks Don! Being spatially challenged it’s always good to see how other people make use of grades and overpasses to get more railroad into a small space. My layout covers a lot of area, but being only one level it doesn’t have a very long run. I have a lot of space in the back yard where I could do elevated roadbed in the Richard Smith genre should I ever find an abundance of time and money :slight_smile:

Great looking video Don, glad to see things are coming along on the railroad.
