Large Scale Central


Very nice build. looks great

AndyC said I needed to look at this.

Nice work Bruce!

I texted Geoff George, to see if he has seen it.

Ric Golding said:

AndyC said I needed to look at this.

Nice work Bruce!

I texted Geoff George, to see if he has seen it.

Did you miss it at the Drag-N-Brag? Looks even better in person.

Bruce it looks great. If your ever in the St. Louis area let me know and you can come see and ride on the real thing.

my fire trucks

Yea, it looks great. The fire-hose turned out perfect. Good call on the extruded clay.

I finally got around to putting the decals on. Got the decals from Stan, plus he even gave me a little black dog to ride along!

Nice job Bruce, It looks like the dog in the back caught on fire. (

Ron Tremblay said:

Nice job Bruce, It looks like the dog in the back caught on fire. (

Oh, yeah…that’s Charcoal (

Great job Bruce. Good imagination making that from that old truck. Now I have another job to do! :slight_smile:

But, but but, firetrucks are supposed to be green. (

Looks great.

Funny color for a white firetruck… ( good…

Andy Clarke said:

Funny color for a white firetruck… ( good…

Yea, around here there all yellow…(

Nice, Bruce. And red is the way to go. White looks like an ice cream truck and yellow looks like a DHL delivery van. Of course, if it was the latter, they could drop off your packages while on their way to a fire. That way ya could cut back on taxes. (