This past weekend was the annual FEBT reunion. This year things were a bit different with most of the activity taking place in the Bricktown Model Railroaders news building. (the former E.A. Beaver building) They recently acquired the building and have been had at work renovating the inside to make a good home for their new Layout. This will be a combination HO and HOn3 Railroad that depicts the EBT and the Pennsy showcasing their interchange. Fortunately for the FEBT the layout has not been started yet so the empty building made a perfect place to host this years event.
There were numerous clinics and presentations on area industry and railroads. There were also walking tours of the old brick plant and Mount Union yard with the opertunity to get in the Mount Union engine house, a rare treat. Sunday included walking tours of Robertsdale and Rockhill with speeder rides. There was also a Hon3 modules set up, and two On3 setups, and a nice circle of F scale which is why I thought I should post this. The insurance prohibited us from running live steam in the building so we had to make do with one of Rich Yoders beautiful electric locos.
We had limited track to use this year so it was a bit more basic this year. Just a circle with a siding on both sides.
In this picture you can see one of the On3 layouts to the right, and if you look closer you will see Mik standing by the freight house taking it all in. Turned out to be quite a fantastic weekend!