Yom Kippur
Ken Brunt said:That would be today. Let's see. Jewish Americans are 1.7% of the population. I guess the other 98.3% of Americans avoided the show out of respect. Ralph
Yom Kippur
Bruce said:Sorry about that boys. Things went to crap last week. Sent a note to the man in charge that I would not be able to make it. I had the seminar all ready to go, bought a projector for the computer (works well as a big screen TV too) and had a demo sample of ladder roadbed all built. I really wanted to be there. Hopefully, I can do it in the Spring.
It was a good show, but there was no ladder road bed seminar? Bruce
Actually the show was nothing like the spring…pretty desolate (Shawn Mc come in March and you’ll soil yourself)
I went Saturday late morning and left around 2pm, at time of leaving the prices were dropping even further.
Way better deals at that show than in March and I believe the vendors new it. If it would have been the spring show the tables would be cleaned out at that time.
Dave M and myself both felt like we scored some excellent deals. I feel I did and I personally witnessed vendors buying bulk from other vendors (business is business and it’s all good). I think I would have spent more $$ if a few of the vendors would have given me a chance instead of talking WWII weapons with Clyde and Ethyl .
All in all I like the spring show even though it took me a few years to find out the guys here hang in the alcove!
I had flashbacks seeing the alcove…
Just my opinion.
Ralph Berg said:You were wondering what holiday. That's the only one I knew of.Ken Brunt said:That would be today. Let's see. Jewish Americans are 1.7% of the population. I guess the other 98.3% of Americans avoided the show out of respect. Ralph
Yom Kippur
Wasn’t asking for demographics, just offering a suggestion.
Ken Brunt said:Ralph Berg said:You were wondering what holiday. That's the only one I knew of.Ken Brunt said:That would be today. Let's see. Jewish Americans are 1.7% of the population. I guess the other 98.3% of Americans avoided the show out of respect. Ralph
Yom KippurWasn’t asking for demographics, just offering a suggestion.

I understand you.
I don’t understand Trainworld and their “Holiday” comment.
Here is a short Video from the show .
The engine and cars are all bought that day.
Interesting , there all Aristo units!
John Carroll was nice enough to let us hijack his layout!
His is the" Inner City railroad of Boston Mass."
Yes I did get to go.
One of the show cars were mine!