Large Scale Central

F#@! chipmunks eat my throws

I have a big investment in Tenimile Ground throws. Now , sadly I think that maybe a mistake. I found Two of my switches have had the throws chewed by chipmunks! I think I will have to switch to the barrel bolt option. New Tenimiles are out of the financial picture right now. So if anyone knows of a good tutorial on the barrel bolt conversion, I would appreciate a link.

Not a total loss however. Three chipmunks made the ultimate sacrifice today. Feeling downright pissed I pulled out the compound bow and let the arrows fly.

Perhaps a bowl of antifreeze is in order! They are little destructive bastards I fight them on occasion myself!

I know the “barrel bolt” type works best with solid brass and those are not exactly cheap either! Just a suggestion, these are not too badly priced…

todd whittier said:

So if anyone knows of a good tutorial on the barrel bolt conversion, I would appreciate a link.

Here you go…

I followed these instructions but deviated from the soldered washers to 1/16th inch DuBro wheel collars and stainless steel springs.


Have you ever watched an animal die of antifreeze poisoning? It isn’t a pretty sight. By no means am I an animal rights activist, and I don’t have a problem with a compound bow and arrows, pellet gun or small arms or any other humane means of dispatching with the little blighters, but antifreeze is a very slow and painful way for them to die. No animal deserves that, wild or domestic.


Hey David where are the pictures of the little guys on arrows? LOL

I have to agree with Ron about the antifreeze because it won’t be the chipmunks that drink it, it will be one of your animals or the neighbors cats and then the law gets involved. Just shot the little pr$%^s and watch them fly.


Joe maybe I missed something? What are the springs for?

No antifreeze, I have a couple of children. ( to old to drink it (I think), but don’t want them to see that.

Did you miss this one?

todd whittier said:
Joe maybe I missed something? What are the springs for?


The springs allow for a train to run through a switch that is not thrown in the correct direction (and not derail) if it runs ‘with’ the points.

Antifreeze is bad for you? My wife’s been giving me a tablespoon of it every day for the past couple of weeks. She said it would make me sleep better.


I dunno why chipmunks like tenmille throws so much but have lost a few as well. I found a spray that deters rabbits and deer from plants, it appears to work for chipmunks too. I sprayed it on the throw and haven’t lost another one. It’s non toxic and bio degradeable. Downside is you have to reapply after rain. I prefer the pellet gun myself but i rarely get the chance to shoot them.

The brass piko throw looks good too, I may order a few of those. Oh, and if you want to buy tenmille throws order them straight from tenmille they are $8 each and shipping was like $6.


I am also not an animal rights devotee, but any form of poison administered does goad me. A typical poison used locally to rid rodents acts in excruciatingly painful means. Served appetisingly as sweetened pellets it sets like concrete in the bowel of the rodent. The rodent is then unable to pass waste or process food and dies many days later of starvation.

I assume that one associates chipmunks as rodents and to be disposed of. Not having the creatures roaming our land I do view them with affection. We have similar mammals and all are protected by law.

As regards protecting your ground throws, well eradication will not stop the problem as there are more available chipmunks than ground throws.

I suggest a less appetising ground throw that is not able to be digested.

I await the summer months (six months time) when the large reptiles once more use my track as a sun lounge to soak up the famous Aussie U/V rays. I will not be using implements of death to dissuade them but rather a noisy sound boxcar that will have them seeking cover.

You need a good RR cat. My neighbors cat likes to hang out by my RR. I always welcome him because he keeps the rodents away.

The ground throw with the bolts comes up often. Maybe Bob can put it in as a sticky or something. That way its easy to find?

Coyote urine

Steve, do you get that at the coyote ugly bar?

I was gonna suggest that and fox urine as well Steve …you can purchase it at sporting goods stores in the hunting section.

BTW…I was merely joking about the antifreeze I didn’t mean to upset anyone.

In the automotive business I see the damage done by VARMITS to vehicles that sit outside for extended periods of time. I have been asked repeatedly over the years by customers on how to control them.

I always jokingly suggest antifreeze and they ask what that will do…“so I tell them.” We then discuss other options such as large amounts of ammonium nitrate or simply predator urine. All that have chosen to battle them go with the urine method and have had pretty good success.

The ones that I did battle with were captured, made to climb my model Aztec pyramid to the altar at the top, from there… ahhh never mind.


When I took my Boy Scouts up into the Sierras to go on their 50 Miler, there was a problem with the marmots eating the rubber parts of cars left in the parking lot. I brought along some coyote urine and sprinkled it around our autos. We had no problems, but those around us had fan belts and rubber hoses eaten.

It works.

For plants we use a spray of good old hot sauce mixed with water. If the throws would rust I wonder if you could mix hot sauce and oil and brush it on? Then again, you would have to reapply after a heavy rain.

Just because the less expensive, plated, non-brass barrel bolts rust, doesn’t bother their use. All mine rusted, but they still worked well, with a drop or two of regular motor oil every Spring.


Just because the less expensive, plated, non-brass barrel bolts rust, doesn’t bother their use. All mine rusted, but they still worked well, with a drop or two of regular motor oil every Spring.
