Large Scale Central


This is the original bridge as posted a couple of months ago - four inverted PC stands, resting on bricks.

We’ve added a similar structure, with a slight dogleg in the middle. This one rests on steel cut from an old table, concreted into the ground.

At the end of the new piece, we’ve placed a 12’ long steel ramp. It’s two 6 foot long pieces of channel that used to be the sides of a frame that held switches for a computer network. They’re held together with a secure but flexible join that allows the slope of the first and second sections to be different. For the experiment I’m planning, the first section slopes at just under one degree, while the second slopes at six-and-a-half degrees.

The switch at the top leads to a spur atop the retaining wall (5 degree slope) and a spur along the fence.

Details on the experiment to come!

New track is always good. Looking nice!

Posted results of today’s testing in the “What Can a Dash-9 Pull?” thread on the ENGINES forum over on GSM ( I’ll only duplicate it here if requested to do so.

There’s a vid with a similar thread name in the VIDEOS section. I think you have to be a member to access it, so if you’re not a member, here 'tis!

Check out

and run the Extension Test video (full screen is good) to see the tests we’ve just posted details about in the ENGINES section. The video kicks off with a good look at the 20-car train running on the flat.

Couldn’t get the forty-car train up the 6.5 degree grade without derailing something, and ran out of time to triple-head. That was really frustrating!!!

Note the mad panic right at the end as the diesels nearly escape from captivity!

DISCLAIMER: This video is guaranteed to be family-friendly because the audio has been extensively edited. For those of you with SmellOVision, we apologise in advance for the ozone, sulphurous smoke and blue tinge in the air!