Large Scale Central

Experiments in 3D printing


if you want to send me your STL files for the bridge footing, I can print them on my SLA machine, then you will have something you can make a mold from, as I typically print items that are used to make spin casting molds.

Al P.

I find the smoothing process with FDM modeled parts time consuming rework.

Flywheel painted. needs a bit of weathering, but its just about done.

that looks cool now!

Well done, Bob. The paint really makes the details stand out.

That looks fresh out of the factory. Interesting how the paint gives it a feel ov being more solid, of having more mass.

I like that. nice choice in using the gloss red.

Nicely done.

But weathering? Isn’t it supposed to be brand new?

I agree…nice choice on the colors !!

Thanks everyone. The color choice is pretty typical for these kind of large flywheels. Red (or green) spokes and hub, and a machined edge.

Just beautiful, Bob. I’d wanted to do something similar, but never got around to it.

Yours is better than what I had in mind though. Really rich detail, and it’s being bolted down to the cribbing is a great touch.

Cool project, Bob. I have run across similar flywheels pretty regularly at various old mines throughout the Rocky Mountain west. Have you ever seen the big Corliss engine at the mining museum in Colorado Springs? They operate it once or twice a year:



Nice flywheel. Also, great to know that there is a functioning one at the mining museum in Colorado Springs. We must go there and have a closer look :smiley:

More experimenting in 3d printing. This time, some 15" panel track for around the mines.

How well would that stuff hold up outdoors?

Ken Brunt said:

How well would that stuff hold up outdoors?

Probably doesn’t matter much, they could be reprinted in no time, for little cost, plus after proper painting they would be UV resistant too.

Pete Lassen said:

Ken Brunt said:

How well would that stuff hold up outdoors?

Probably doesn’t matter much, they could be reprinted in no time, for little cost, plus after proper painting they would be UV resistant too.

The 3d printed windows on the Majesic colliery building have been outside every summer for, er, 6 years now. Painted, they seem to be just fine.


My photos of the mine tram track were lost in the MLS photo storage fiasco. Essentially, I just took HO code 100 flex track and an old Y turnout and removed two out of every three ties with a diagonal cutter. Worked about as fast as digital printing, plus I retained the nickel silver rails.

Just another approach, David Meashey

P.S. Forgot to mention that I already had that track on hand.

Bob McCown said:

Flywheel painted. needs a bit of weathering, but its just about done.

how tall is that load on the car? it looks great. are you going to make the other half too?

Bob McCown said:

Flywheel painted. needs a bit of weathering, but its just about done.

Scale is a bit off and I don’t even like steam …just saying

helping with the thread resurrection:

Bob, i don’t think, the wheel should be weathered.

who in his right mind would transport old flywheels?