Large Scale Central

Evans Boxcar Kitbash

I purchased a number of Evans boxcars for projects, and the first is complete. I’ve also been experimenting with weathering using pastels. It’s a little pricey as a lot of clear coat is required, but I’m pretty happy with the results.



Looking good. All you need now is a little graffiti. :grinning:

Those BCOL combo doors were quite frequent down here in Seattle. I’ve always liked the look of those. Good job.

Any in progress photos?

Thanks Guys.

Craig, yes there are. Is there something specific you’d like to see?


The plug door and sliding hardware.

Here’s the starting point. Give me a bit to sort out some photos.

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Looks strand with out the green tape… :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Sorry about being so slow Craig. Hopefully these photos will shed some light on what I did.


will there be a video?

I’ll see what I can do John.

much appreciated

i watch these things all the time

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Second Evans kitbash is complete.

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Do you letter in English on one side and French on the other?
Nice weathering

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