Large Scale Central

End Of Line (EOL)

As others here I have been working on the patio and in the yard as in dirt. I have included a foto of what I am doing with the table I built for storage, switching and a yard in general. this is the end of the line at one end the table is 16" x36", I have kept the track to 28" for reach the rightmost track is the in and out of the yard from where I am standing (I was holding the camera), next left all the rest have 2 ways in and out except the leftmost track. Any Ideas /suggestions?

Lookin’ good…good that you have kept the “Reach” down to under 3 feet…

Um. I’d suggest you connect that track together. You’ll get a lot of derailments otherwise


It’s hard to tell, but it looks like you could use a bit more room on the right most track at the back wall. I’m assuming that’s your run around - does your loco fit?

How are you planning to use the yard? I’d prefer more storage space available at the far end. How do you plan to use the two tracks on the left foreground?

Bruce Chandler said:
It’s hard to tell, but it looks like you could use a bit more room on the right most track at the back wall. I’m assuming that’s your run around - does your loco fit? How are you planning to use the yard? I’d prefer more storage space available at the far end. How do you plan to use the two tracks on the left foreground?

Hi Bruce, Sorry the track on the right at the far end is just lying there. the run around is the second from the right and the next two are for storage. I figure I can have two trains and 18 cars stored on the table max. That was my main Idea was storage and a departing point to the tracks at ground level. I would like to have most of the storage at the far end , but I just cannot seem to make that work. If it seems backwards that is because I have to run the main line down the fence to ground level. JN


Tom Ruby said:
Um. I’d suggest you connect that track together. You’ll get a lot of derailments otherwise


Connection will come with time, good observation thanks :smiley:


Got it. It looks like you’re going to have a LOT of moves getting cars off of those two storage tracks - the far left track looks like it can hold a loco and maybe one car - so you’ll only be able to move one car at a time? For the run-around, it looks like the boxcar is almost as long as the track - is that enough room for your loco? Next, how many cars can you fit for the loco to run around. That will basically be your max train length. Check to see how many cars you can put on a storage track - you don’t want to be just 1 inch short of an extra car.

Bruce Chandler said:


Check to see how many cars you can put on a storage track - you don’t want to be just 1 inch short of an extra car. .

Bruce, Is that bit of advice based on experience? :lol: John, Bruce speaks truth. Without nailing things down permanently, set up the track how you want it, then use it for a few days or weeks. You will find out things that you had not considered. Case in point: I found out that I had not provided an escape route for my locomotive from the arrival/departure track. Once the train arrived in the yard, the locomotive had to wait until the cars were sorted before it could head for the barn.

Thanks guys, I’ll take the recommendations load up the tracks this weekend and see what transpires.

Hey John,

Looks good. What type of track are you using? The switches look really good.
