Large Scale Central

ECLSTS Seminar Posted to YouTube

I have posted the video that I took of the seminar that I presented at the ECLSTS on Friday. The description is below.


Join Dave Bodnar and explore how easy it can be to use micro-controllers and other simple electronic devices to enhance your railroad. We’ll look at circuits you can build with the PICAXE and Arduino families of micro-controllers and how a laser cutter and/or a 3D printer can be an excellent and exciting addition to your workshop.

We’ll also explore a new homemade smoke generator that really puts out and create some thunder & lighting!

Don’t miss all of this and the usual array of tips, tricks, tools and gizmos & gadgets that can animate and add excitement to your railroad.

Dave- Thanks for posting this!


Dave, thanks for posting this. Good to meet you finally. I didnt get to attend the seminar, but your suggestion of the HC12 serial module is just the ticket I need, I think. I just ordered a handful, and a USB to serial adapter. Should be fun to work with.

Good to meet you, too, Bob -

The HC-12 is a magical gizmo for any radio control system - I really enjoy their simplicity - details on my web page here:



I need to dust off my mesh protocol notes that I was working on.