Large Scale Central

ECLSTS in review

Live steam in action at the ECLSTS

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Very pleasurable video to watch Charles. Live steam is not my scene but I do always like to watch and hear steamers running.


Thanks for the comments

To all

Photos of steam locomotives…

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ECLSTS photos

Thanks Charles, very nice video, even for us guys that only have sparkies!



I have some coverage of “sparkies” when I get the opportunity and no one else posts…

I also added photo link in the original posting.

Thanks Charles. Good to see you guys again. Thanks for getting my Climax on video. I forgot to bring my camera.

Got a few of the attendee’s on Friday.

Above would be Rooster and Shawn V.

Looks like Nico Corbo and his son made it to the alcove.

Fred Mills was in attendance.

I believe this is Randy and his wife Mary Ann ?

Terry Burr, Bob our host, and Daktah John Radder.

Dieseldude (Kevin) and his wife.

Ken Brunt and John Le Forestier.

and the way the alcove usually looks both days.

My apologies to those whose names I got wrong or even worse forgot. Feel free to let me know so I can edit here

Thanks Charles,  That was some great video.  I didn't get to spend nearly enough time at the Live Steam loops this year, so your video is really appreciated.   Loved seeing the video of Shawn's Climax too!


Great job on all the Alcove photography Dave.  It was very good to meet you, as well as every one else.  I just can't describe what a great time we had this year.  Good times.


PS: I've capitalized Alcove because I believe it's become more of a proper noun now.

Dave, it’s Jon RaDDER not Rather. Rather’s the guy who was fired on TV…(

Oops. Sorry John, thank you Ken. All changed

Is the guy with the flipped hat David Meashey

I hope they continue providing bonsai vendors. My partner humors me by attending train expo’s but when he saw bonsai it made his trip well worth it.

The tree folks that were next to my booth said this was their last year.

Jay Briscoe said:

I hope they continue providing bonsai vendors.

I talked to the good folks at Mulberry Creek who are there every year, and very committed to garden railroading. He expressed his interest in bonsai and how it applies to all of the vegetation that we tend to use on our pikes on more than one occasion. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

Edit: Mark must have been posting while I typed, Sad to hear about Appalachian Gardens, but I’m sure Mulberry will continue to show.