Looks like a lot of folks attended. Maybe some day. Matt good to hear the news of you returning to the business. Later RJD
I didn’t mind the used stuff, good prices. That’s what you get on ebay!
Did anyone see Ralph trying to unload a used Train-Li bender?
Cale Nelson said:
Did anyone see Ralph trying to unload a used Train-Li bender?
Yea, he gave it to me…
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8445/7795822500_81e55d84c9_b.jpg)Good morning to all.
At the Friday evening "Drag’nBrag, a gentleman showed up with a couple of “New Haven” Tower kits. I said that the models were of a tower in Falls Creek PA, (near Dubois) that was on the B&O/formally BR&P, that controlled four different RR’s. Here’s a picture. If not exact, it is extremely close.
The Drag n’ Brag was great but it was damn hot and sultry in there. Maybe it’s time for a bigger room.
Win joy said:
Just got back. Some ok deals. Saw my favorite vendors including Star Hobby, Train-Line, Bridgewerks and Hartland Locomotive Works. Lots of vendor banners for Accucraft. Piko had a large footprint via several vendors. Picked up a water tower, Las Cruces city building, a few figures and a set of rollers to work on my locos. Left at 2:00 and it was definitely clearing out. Everyone had track available. Some dealers were in new spots. Not all spots were sold. I think about 10% of the available space went unsold. Show car sold out. They were taking orders for a second run of 100. Scott Polk was there. I saw a list of things due in soon. Not just track. Scuttlebutt among the vendors was that Polks GenerationNext is expecting 5 containers in soon (on the water was the comment). Various vendors stated that people were buying. One vendor stated he had sold 3/4 of what he stocked for the show. Some booths were noticeable for reduction of stock. Some not as much so… Cash was still king, but not as much so as prior years. Typically 3-6%. What I did not like was what seemed like an increasing of used goods. Not just old stock, but used and not cleaned up for sale. Most prevalent with track. One vendors stock seemed to be from estate sales or collectors liquidating their stock. One to 2 vendors seemed like they sourced their goods from yard sales. Some vendors looked like they overbought booth space and did not have enough goods to fill their available space. Some vendors had a hard time with credit cards due to nature of the building (in case you have never been to Memorial Hall at the York Fair Grounds it is an OLD steel building. Not the best for cell reception. My phone only ran 1-3 bars all day. Club displays were as usual. But no one from the clubs were really interested in talking to visitors and recruit potential new members.
As I was one of the clubs there I have to disagree with Winjoy as I was talking with a number of people while I was at our clubs display. I had no problem to those who came up and tried to talk or ask questions and would answer best I could at times when I didn’t know. I will say I was not as talkative when my trains were running only because I needed to keep an eye on them. I wasn’t trying to be rude to folks I just needed to keep an eye out for issues but I did talk to a number of people who came to the NHGRS layout and sought my attention.
Ken Brunt said:
Cale Nelson said:
Did anyone see Ralph trying to unload a used Train-Li bender?
Yea, he gave it to me…
Still have it Cale.
But don’t know where to find you
New house, new shop and I don’t have a clue.
Besides the fact you fell off the face of the Earth for a long, long time.
Got home about 1530. Truck unloaded and reloaded with just Andy and Jane’s stuff. Still filled it pretty full. Drive from just inside Ohio this morning. Yesterday was a great railfan trip up 11/15 to Enola Yard with Jon R. and then saw the longest stone arch bridge in the World. Split with Jon, he headed east and we headed west. Saw Mt> Union from the Pennsy track side. All these years of following the EBT and finally saw it from the big railroad picture. Continued west, to Altoona and Horseshoe Curve. It was closed, but we got to see 4 trains cross the curve. Continued on to Gallitzin Tunnel and then hit the road.
Thanks Rooster for the tour trips, it was great!
Jon, the filming of the Timesaver with your camera car was great!
For me the best part of the weekend was the kids running the controls. Vinny put in some throttle time every chance he could. We’ll convert Nico yet. I know Rooster and Lou got quite a few pictures. I’ll count on them to post them. There was a 5 year old girl named Paige. She was very good with the control and was really in to running the train, until Andy and Jane walked by with ice cream. She lost all interest in the Timesaver. It was great!
Jason and some of the other boys that came by have been running it for years. Its always great to see them. One of the guys (Tyler?)sent his Dad to say he was sorry he couldn’t make it this year, because he had baseball practice. First time he’s missed it since he was 5 and now he is in the 5th grade. Wow!
Another great weekend!
Its a week later next year, so about 368 days until ECLST 2015. Can’t wait. Harry and Star Hobbies did us all a great service.
To the Alcove crew,
It was great seeing all you guys again, as well as meeting some new people. It is always great to put a name with a face.
We all at the Pocono Mountain Garden Railway Society had a great time, including our Michigan friends, and other special guests to our layout.
I think this was the best year I have had yet at the show and I owe it all to the people who make this hobby so enjoyable.
Ric, I have the utmost respect for you and your patience with the kids, but sorry, I am a roundy, round type of guy, besides I need one hand to hold the remote and the other to hold the beer, I don’t have a hand free to use a screw driver to uncouple the cars.
Vincent is working on a yard in the basement!
Looking forward to next year,
The pics are in the other thread Ric…
Oh and have a pic of Paige (I think ) but I missed the icecream episode and Andy would scare any kid,(hell he scares me) this is why she feared to ask him for his icecream. The Timesaver was not better than icecream! However because of Dad’s interaction with children this weekend we may have some future Model railroader’s in the making. I know he had black rasberry icecream or something purple as he was walking back with it. I passed him and I stuck my finger in his styrafoam bowl and took a lick (Jane saw it ) he didn’t.
Note to the kids …if you want to run the “Timesaver” Mr Andy is mean and Mr Ric is nice make sure they clean the track for you!
It was great seeing the LSC crew again in person! I can’t believe it’s over already!
Larry Otis said:
The Drag n’ Brag was great but it was damn hot and sultry in there. Maybe it’s time for a bigger room.
No, we just need them to turn on the AC. Thermostat was locked up and probably set to “heat”.
We certainly didn’t need any heat
I have to admit Andy was great working with my Daughter on the Time Saver. And shes afraid of her own shawdow lol…
Ric hope you enjoy the Maple syrup.
Larry Otis said:
The Drag n’ Brag was great but it was damn hot and sultry in there. Maybe it’s time for a bigger room.
I noticed it for a little while, but then it cleared as people left. Maybe they left because it was hot. We’ll touch base with the hotel and see if any thing can be done to keep it cooler. It may be that way, because of the time of the day.
Thank GOD you didn’t result to the speedo to relieve your discomfort.
You said, " Ric hope you enjoy the Maple syrup."
Pancakes scheduled for tomorrow’s breakfast.
Ric make sure you try some on vanilla ice cream yummy…
Ric Golding said:
For me the best part of the weekend was the kids running the controls. Vinny put in some throttle time every chance he could. We’ll convert Nico yet. I know Rooster and Lou got quite a few pictures. I’ll count on them to post them. There was a 5 year old girl named Paige. She was very good with the control and was really in to running the train, until Andy and Jane walked by with ice cream. She lost all interest in the Timesaver. It was great!
You actually had a couple of young ladies running the Timesaver this year I believe Paige is the first picture (before the icecream showed up). The boys loved Bobby the Boxcab cause real men run boxcabs with faces!
Ric Golding said: Thank GOD you didn’t result to the speedo to relieve your discomfort.
Don’t give Larry any idea’s!
If he did this would be on it!
Boy did I just do that???
What was I thinking???
Here are a few pic’s I have: