Large Scale Central

ECLSTS for 2023 and beyound

I agree, let’s do free airfare!
The shared DnB room fee will just go up a little bit. :grin:

NO way am I getting on an airplane. :innocent:

Well, Bruce, you can drive to Ol’man Kelsey’s Ocean but after that its swim or get on a boat :rofl:

A boat may be THE option. Back when I was working, I flew a LOT - and it certainly lost any allure it once had…

I’m with you, Bruce. I don’t mind flying, but I’d much rather drive. My son and I (and the brown dogs) drive to South Dakota every Thanksgiving for our annual father/son getaway. About 26 hours of driving.

I went to the show today and spoke with a close friend of mine who was selling trains at his booth. Apparently the guy from Amherst asked him if he was willing to drive to Springfield. My friend assumed that the guy from Amherst planned to have the show in Springfield for future years. I sincerely hope that’s not the case, but that was the way it came across to my friend.

I seriously doubt they would move to Springfield, unless they combined it with the existing all-scales show in January. The venue is way too big for what ECLSTS could draw alone. I think combining it would be a mistake as the Amherst all scales show is way to crowded for me (and a few others I know) to ever go back.

Well I just looked at their web site, ( and have to agree with Jon. 20,000+, chartered busses, suggestion to wear noise cancelling headphones to help with the din, and a quiet room available for overly stimulated attendees!

And in the middle of winter in Mass…hmm.


I believe the intention is to keep it as a separate show and it’s highly likely it will be in Springfield (If John agrees to manage it).

Q) Why should I book an event at Eastern States Exposition?
A) Eastern States Exposition is a flexible, multi-purpose facility that is capable of meeting a variety of needs. Our buildings range in size from 28,000 sq. ft. to 129,400 sq. ft. and can be used in combination for a total of more than 355,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space.

I spoke with Don at Star, and he made it clear that he and his brother would carry on with the show themselves – even after their folks retire, which they haven’t yet. He sounded open to moving, yet skeptical of great place way up north (but that was just my impression).

I asked about Allentown, but he quickly nixed that because of the convention hall’s awful vendor loading facilities (like, 1 ramp backing up to 1 door, and only 1 other smaller door). Apparently he’s speaking from experience.

He made the point that it’s all about getting vendors to commit, in order to afford the larger venues. He said I could quote him stating that it was $25k for them to rent the York halls, and about $23k for Timonium. Mighty big commitment for them!

I have no idea what the answers are, but wanted to pass this along.

I wish there were a decent, smaller venue, perhaps somewhere north of Philly, with good railroad roots. And I hope the vendors were encouraged by the attendance this year, enough to keep coming or to start coming back.

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I think that the REAL key is to be the guy that rents everything out - sure looks good to me, but I’m betting that there are LOTS of downfalls I haven’t even thought about.

At one time the suggestion of Scranton, or Syracuse was mentioned.
Scranton is of course alive with the Rail Museum…Syracuse is a bit “Railroady”…
It would be interesting to see the prices of possible venues in both places.
They are both on major interstate roads, and away from the higher priced lodgings, for attendees.
(Syracuse still has a major “ALL SCALE” show every year…but in the Fall. They use the Fair Grounds…)
It could draw attendees from Ontario, and Quebec, as an additional market.
We might even get a few more of the old gang together, along with the newer guys, for a D&B, and Rodent Party…if Mauro is still housing them…!!
Maybe having the show, just after Easter would be good too…before outdoor railroading hits the Summer openings.
Fred Mills

USA/Charles Ro were at the show this weekend. I bought an engine and a couple cars from them.

Dan already attends the Great Model Train Show in Timonium that happens 3-4x a year. There is plenty of room to combine the ECLSTS with the GMSTS.

Y’all east coast people, it’s funny reading the comments, 2 hours is too far to drive to go to a show! If you have not noticed there is no Mid West Large ScaleTrain show or West Coast Large Scale train show, and one within 100-200 miles is very attractive to someone like me and other people who have the closest actual store about 350-400 miles away . So be glad and attend that show that is in your back yard or it will go away.

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I’m not complaining about a two hour drive, I’m complaining about it being an 8+ hour drive.

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I get that one ! Don’t know if I would drive that far , maybe after I retire!

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Being up here in north-central MA, it was about an 8 hour drive to York from here (including a couple pitstops.) Moving further down the coast would guarantee I wouldn’t go to any more shows.

I,m mainly just whining about the fact that we have nothing comparable to it here.

Looks like Scranton PA is about 4hrs for me (in MD) with pit stops, I’d do that.

Part of the fun for me would be seeing some new railroad sights, and that area sure sounds like it has a lot. Probably be able to keep seeing new stuff over several trips.