Official Dates at York, PA for the East Coast Large Scale Train Show are March 24 & 25, 2017.
Drag and Brag will be the evening of Friday, March 24, 2017.
Same Bat Channel, same Bat Time. Watch for the light in the sky.
Official Dates at York, PA for the East Coast Large Scale Train Show are March 24 & 25, 2017.
Drag and Brag will be the evening of Friday, March 24, 2017.
Same Bat Channel, same Bat Time. Watch for the light in the sky.
I see lights in the sky quite often. Of course I live under the departure (or approach) path to Allegheny County airport.
I have already planned not to get sick for the 2017 show.
Nico Corbo said:
I have already planned not to get sick for the 2017 show.
I was wondering what happened to you this year.
Nico Corbo said:
I have already planned not to get sick for the 2017 show.
Aha, that explains whey you were never at the Pocono layout when I went by looking for you.
Nico, We were all talking about you at the layout. Can’t repeat much of what was said this being a family oriented site of course!
Larry, be nice.
Ric Golding said:
Official Dates at York, PA for the East Coast Large Scale Train Show are March 24 & 25, 2017.
Drag and Brag will be the evening of Friday, March 24, 2017.
Same Bat Channel, same Bat Time. Watch for the light in the sky.
Can I come this year?
Larry Otis said:
Nico, We were all talking about you at the layout. Can’t repeat much of what was said this being a family oriented site of course!
Larry, I wouldn’t doubt it!
How’s Vinny feeling? Was he sick, also? Sorry Nico, he was missed more than you.
Ric Golding said:
How’s Vinny feeling? Was he sick, also? Sorry Nico, he was missed more than you.
No everyone else was fine. I wouldn’t doubt it. Did the time saver run OK without him?
“Did the time saver run OK without him?”
Oh yeah! we had a good time. BUT, he was missed.
As far as “ECLSTS 2017 DRAG AND BRAG” - “The Susquehanna Room” is not available until 6pm on the Friday Night. It is reserved for our event from 6pm until 11pm, but early arrivals with have to gather in the Bar until the Daytime Conventioners are out and it is prepped for us. Pure Speculation - Something about, they weren’t going to loose a whole week’s convention, because of a Friday night gathering of a bunch of model railroaders.
Looks like “O” might be a regular thing.
From the official website…
The dates for the next East Coast Larger Scale Train Show is:
MARCH 24 & 25, 2017
NEWSFLASH *********
Due to popular requests, we are ADDING O GAUGE TRAINS to the Large Scale List. We are letting O Gauge dealers buy space at this OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SHOW!
I didn’t kn_Ow that there were sO_ many “p_O_pular requests.”
Its just a matter of time till this becomes an all scale show!
Nico Corbo said:
Its just a matter of time till this becomes an all scale show!
Oh nO!!! (
dieseldude . said:
Nico Corbo said:
Its just a matter of time till this becomes an all scale show!Oh nO!!! (
-Kevin. doesn’t work unless you have :
Sean McGillicuddy said:
dieseldude . said:
Nico Corbo said:
Its just a matter of time till this becomes an all scale show!Oh nO!!! (
-Kevin. doesn’t work unless you have :
Sean- Your right. So what I should have said was…
_G_ee, I __HO__pe _N_ot. I have _Zero interest in the liTT_le _S_cales. _Only time will tell if this will be gOO_d for the show.
Really, there wasn’t all that much O, and there was even some HO on a few of the tables. I would rather it be a Large Scale show, since so many train shows have little to no large scale to choose from. But if that is what Harry has to do to keep the show going, then I would rather have a larger scales show then no show at all.
Well, look at the bright side, now there won’t be any confusion in the name of the show between spring and fall…