Large Scale Central

ECLSTS 2014 pics, post them up

A few of those who attended,L to R, Ralph Berg, Ken Brunt, Bruce Chandler, Stan Cedarleaf, and Andy Clark :

Rooster got a Present from Shawn V., with Doug in the back ground

Doug Matheson ? took over the time saver for Ric.

And Jan Golding trying to get Rooster to understand

and shots of the layouts:

and Jon Radders camera car on the time saver:

great pics thanks for posting.

Thanks for the pictures, but I think Rooster needs alittle more hair gel. LOL

Great pictures. As usual, I just about forgot I had my camera with me and only got a few good ones.

We left Virginia in the dark and got to the show in time for Dave Bodnar’s seminar on 3D printing. Eventually, a copy of the Powerpoint presentation will be here:

Dave is a great presenter and I learned a lot.

After the presentation, we headed back to the alcove. Here’s Ric Golding and Terry Burr at the Timesaver.

Doug Matheson and Don Watson.

Bob McCown, Ralph Berg, and Ken Brunt. Dave Marconi had his nifty diesel on the table by Bob, along with Rooster’s passenger cars. Next to Ken, the table held some of Lou’s stuff and some for sale items. As usual, it was great to see the models in person.

The alcove is just a great place to see everyone. Here’s Jon Radder, Dave Funk, Vincent and Penny.

Jean and I headed over to the Left Bank for a late lunch and we ran into Rooster on the street.

When 6 o’clock rolled around, we headed over to the Susquehanna room only to find out that nobody was around. :frowning:

Of course the show didn’t even close until 6, so we knew that it wouldn’t fill up early.

There were some great models on display and it was fun to talk about them.

We ended up having to bring even more chairs in. I think at one point Bob estimated that there were over 60 people in the room. I’m not sure how many total attended, but it was quite a lot! I wish I had had a chance to meet everyone that came in.

It really is the best part of the show!

Hey my reefer faded!!!

Thanks a million for the pics of the Show.

It is good to put some faces to names. lol.

I did spot some of the Miks’s Challenge entries and of course the splendid and famous Sludge Works which, I guess, will be passing through Canadian customs tomorrow.

Just got home from the York. I had a great time as always. Spent most of the day yesterday chatting with everyone and running live steam. I did a quick run through the vender hall but did see anything that I really needed. The drag and brag was a good time as always, nice to put faces to the names. I stayed for about an hour at the show today and then headed home. Looking forward to next year.

Nico’s boy running Bobby the Blabbermouth boxcab on the timesaver and then requesting that Ric clean his track.

So he did …note the cleaning block in the right hand (I think he tried to touch an Amtrak car )

Gary B and Dave M with their diesels

Ric telling Lou…“Yes someday I will go to Heaven” …but then I chimed in and said I doubt that Ric.


I heard a lot of cussing …"Why does Andy think he has to buy out all the vendors every year then make me pack the truck! I’m tired of this crap!!!

Shut up Ric!

Edit to say: That’s my dad!

I will try to get the pictures out of my camera later. We got in Saturday night and I haven’t looked at all my loot yet!

Thanks to Ric for his personal seminar on RC trains. Rooster’s pictures of us was about Rooster interrupting class like he always does.

It was great to see everyone again, even grumpy ol’ Andy!

I’m still going through my pics, but I promised to get this one posted for Fred whose appearance at the drag and brag with rooster was only witnessed by a few…


Thanks for the coverage and great pics. Some day may make the show. Later RJD

Just wanted to say that I enjoyed meeting with all you fellow LSC folks. Thoroughly enjoyed the Drag&Brag. I think you’re the best and friendliest bunch of modelers I’ve ever been envolved with. Looking forward to a long relationship.

Here’s a panorama I took Friday night.


Doc Watson

Well, Don there are some grumpy ones, but we just ignore them…:wink:

Here is video taken on Ric’s Timesaver. I had planned to hitch a ride on the New Hampshire layout, but the camera battery went flat after 8 minutes :[


(Sorry for cross-posting this in two threads)

I put all of my pictures in an Album “ECLSTS 2014”.
I got an Erasable White Board and had everyone write their name so you all could match faces to names. I can’t help it if a Rooster popped up in some of the pictures.
There are also pictures from the Drag & Brag, and the displays in the Alcove.

The left most box below “Large Scale Central” is “Home”. The fourth one is “Albums”. Click on that one.

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

Who is that guy in my new profile picture?

Doc Watson

Seems he showed up in quite a few pictures!